Afar from home on an island lone | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 3 |
Ah what words of danger | H. L. H. (Author) | | 2 |
Angels high in glory, Sound the joyful story | Rev. H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 2 |
As the world around was sleeping | Horace L. Hastings (Author (attributed to)) | | 1 |
At evening time may there be light | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 7 |
Author of salvation, hear my supplication | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Awake and sing, awake and sing | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 4 |
Awaked by Sinai's awful sound | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 1 |
Be patient yet a few more years | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Be patient yet a little while, The sigh shall be a psalm | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Be strong, my soul, in God most high | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 4 |
Before us lies a valley dim | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 7 |
Behold He comes with clouds | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Behold the Lamb of God, who bears our sin and woe | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 2 |
Behold there comes an hour unknown | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 5 |
Bells of joy are ringing High in heaven's blue dome | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 2 |
Beyond life's raging fever | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 11 |
Bless, my soul, the Lord, thy Maker | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Blest is the place where trees | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Breaking now the loaf together | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Brightness of the Father's glory, Heaven's own light to earth come down | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Can you stand for God, though you stand alone | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 3 |
Children hail the holy stranger | Horace L. Hastings (Author (attributed to)) | | 1 |
City of our God renowned, Where the ransomed | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 5 |
Clip from the brown one sunny tress | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 3 |
Come, O my soul, to Calvary | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 9 |
Come to the Savior now, Jesus is mine | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 3 |
Day is far spent, the shadows lengthen round us | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 6 |
Delight in the Lord, With sweetest accord | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 4 |
Endue us, Lord, with heavenly power | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Fair city, when shall I behold | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Forward, Christian soldiers, through a hostile land | Rev. H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 4 |
Gefunden ist der Hafen nun | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | German | 4 |
Glad was the message, and joyous the strain | Horace L. Hastings (Author (attributed to)) | | 1 |
Great Husbandman, at thy command | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 8 |
Great King of glory, hear the prayer | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 5 |
Halting, lingering, fearing, longing | Rev. H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 6 |
Hark! from the mansions of glory the song | Rev. H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 5 |
Hark! from yonder radiant throng | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Hark! I hear the angels singing | H. (Author) | English | 3 |
Hark, the voice of Jesus calling Weary sinner, come and rest | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Holy day of peaceful rest | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
I shall rest, I shall rest, When the Christian's | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 6 |
It may be at the even-tide | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Jesus, the Comforter, bruised and heart-broken | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 3 |
Just as God leads me, I would go, I would but ask the way | Horace L. Hastings (Translator) | English | 1 |
Just as I am, O Lamb of God | Rev. H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 6 |
Keep the Sabbath holy, Keep a joyful day | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Lift the voice and sound the trumpet | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 7 |
Lonely and weary by sorrows oppressed | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 15 |
Look not upon the ruby wine | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 6 |
Lord, thou art with us while we pray | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Moedes vi hist bagved Floden | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
My heart shall bless my heavenly King | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 3 |
My home is over the swelling flood | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 2 |
My soul at last a rest hath found | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 19 |
My weary soul a rest hath found | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 8 |
عند عبر النهر، نهر الموت، موطن النعيم | H. L. Hastings (Author) | Arabic | 1 |
Not here, where sparkling waters | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 4 |
Now Savior, strengthen every heart | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 1 |
Now to the great, eternal King | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Now unto him who on the tree | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 4 |
Now unto the King eternal, But unseen by mortal eyes | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
O Christ of men the Life and Light | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 3 |
O Father, God, who art in heaven, To thee be endless glory given | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
O Father, who rulest the wind and wave | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
O God, my Savior, I love thee | H. L. Hastings (Translator) | English | 1 |
O God, to whom our fathers prayed | Rev. H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 6 |
O Lord, who art with two or three | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 7 |
O Savior, bless us as we go, And make our hearts within us glow | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 1 |
O shameful cross, on thee was hung | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 6 |
O Son of God! with glory crowned Upon Thy Father's throne | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 1 |
O sweetly through the gloomy years | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 6 |
O worn with griefs and pains and fears | H. (Author) | English | 1 |
On, on, thou weary mariner | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
On the north and the east, on the south and the west | Rev. H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 3 |
On the street, on the street | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 4 |
Open wide thy gates of beauty, Guide me to the house of God | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 2 |
Our Father, God, to thee alone | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 3 |
Perishing splendors pass away | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 5 |
Pilgrims in this vale of sorrow | Hastings (Author) | English | 1 |
Praise ye the Lord! let heart and voice | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Praise ye the Lord, our God, His love and grace proclaim | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Rejoice around the tomb where Jesus lay | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Religion is the best of all | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 3 |
Rock of my strength! to Thee my soul is clinging | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 1 |
Roll thy burden on the Lord | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 3 |
Savior, bless us as we part, Grant us Thy protection | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 1 |
Seh'n wir uns an jenem Strande | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | German | 4 |
Seh'n wir uns an jenen Ufern | H. L. Hastings (Author) | German | 1 |
Seh'n wir uns wohl einmal wieder | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | German | 9 |
Shall we meet beyond the river, Where the surges cease to roll? | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 380 |
Shall we meet by life's pure river | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 3 |
Shall we meet each other yonder | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Shall we meet with those beloved ones | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Sing we the song to angels given | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 5 |
Skal vi alle engang mødes | H. L. Hastings (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
Skola vi väl alla mötas | H. L. Hastings (Author) | Swedish | 4 |
Soldiers of the cross, arise! Lo, your leader, from the skies | H. (Alterer) | English | 1 |
Son of God, earth's storms are breaking | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 4 |
Soon the saints shall be freed | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Strong to redeem is the Lord who hath loved me | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 8 |
Surely at the appointed time | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Sweet meditation on the Lord | Hastings (Translator) | English | 4 |
Take away the children, we cannot have them here | Rev. H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 4 |
The grace which is in Christ revealed | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
There's a light that is shining in darkness | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 3 |
Thou Prince of glory, slain for me, In deep distress, I fly to Thee | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Thou who dost with thy people meet | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Through the furnace, through the heat | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 8 |
To Him who died upon the tree | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
To Him who in his precious blood | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Unto the high and mighty Lord we lift our morning strain of praise | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 4 |
We are sowing in our sadness | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 4 |
We know the grace of him who died | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 4 |
We praise and magnify Thy name | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Weep for the fallen, in death lying low | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Welcome, from beneath the wave | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 4 |
What father, when his children plead | H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 2 |
Whatever God doth is rightly done | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 1 |
When a few swiftly fleeting years | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 7 |
When o'er the deep we rode | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 5 |
When shall I see the day that ends my woes | H. (Adapter) | English | 1 |
When signs and wonders there shall be | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 4 |
Who hath sorrow, who hath woes? | Rev. H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 2 |
With the mouth our Lord confessing | H. L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Within the garden's whispering shade | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 11 |
Ye mourning saints! dry every tear | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 1 |
Ye servants of the Lord, To all the world proclaim | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | | 2 |
Ye soldiers of the risen Lord, March along, march along | Rev. H. L. Hastings (Author) | English | 2 |
Yet there is room, the feast is spread | Horace L. Hastings (Author) | English | 5 |