1 Lord, Thy death and passion give
Strength and comfort in my need.
Ev'ry hour while here I live,
On Thy love my soul shall feed.
Thou didst death for me endure,
And I shun all thoughts impure;
Thinking on Thy bitter pains,
Hushed in prayer my heart remains.
2 Thy blest cross hath pow'r to heal
All the wounds of sin and strife.
Lost in Thee, my heart doth feel
Sudden warmth and nobler life.
In my saddest, darkest grief,
Let Thy sweetness bring relief.
Thou who camest but to save,
Thou who fearest not the grave!
3 Lord, in Thee I place my trust,
Thou art my Defense and Tower;
Death Thou treadest in the dust,
O'er my soul he hath no power.
That I may have part in Thee,
Help and save and comfort me;
Give me of Thy grace and might,
Resurrection, life and light.
4 Fount of good, within me dwell,
For the peace Thy presence sheds
Keeps us safe in conflict fell,
Charms the pain from dying beds.
Hide me safe within Thine arm,
Where no foe can hurt or harm;
Whoso, Lord, in Thee doth rest,
He hath conquered, he is blest.
Source: The Hymnal and Order of Service #92
First Line: | Lord! Thy death and passion give |
German Title: | Jesu deine tiefen Wunden |
Author: | Johann Heermann (1644) |
Translator: | Catherine Winkworth (1855) |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |