Organ Medium Difficulty Lent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $19.00 Includes many long-time favorites of past generations. A variety of styles and all are readily accessible. Includes: Beneath the Cross of Jesus St. | |
Organ Easter File download from Lorenz Publishing $33.00 With three stunners for Palm (Passion) Sunday, six meditations for Holy Week, four rousers for Easter Sunday, and two gentle reflections for the post-Easter season, this exciting collection of organ m… | |
Handbells Sheet Music Lent Shipped by Hope Publishing $6.25 Useful for Lent, Holy Week and for the Lord’s Supper, this new setting for 3-5 octave handbells from Ronald Kauffmann portrays this meaningful text with well-chosen harmonies and a gradual crescendo… | |
Organ Easter Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $33.00 With three stunners for Palm (Passion) Sunday, six meditations for Holy Week, four rousers for Easter Sunday, and two gentle reflections for the post-Easter season, this exciting collection of organ m… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Palm Sunday Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $25.00 Holy Week Meditations For Organ
The full Holy Week experience is presented here in a diverse mix of traditional hymn settings, touching originals, and classical repertoire. Designed to completely f… | |
Piano Organ File download from Lorenz Publishing $26.95 Level 3 • Chosen especially to enhance those moments of personal reflection during the service of Holy Communion, these seven handsomely designed musical movements, based on familiar Eucharistic hym… | |
Piano Organ Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $26.95 Level 3 • Chosen especially to enhance those moments of personal reflection during the service of Holy Communion, these seven handsomely designed musical movements, based on familiar Eucharistic hym… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $39.00 Now includes a Bonus CD!Charles Callahan is not only known as a respected composer and recitalist, but is also known as a creative church
musician. His years of leading worship from the console are… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $9.00 A very quiet and introspective collection that includes a peaceful setting of the African-American spiritual, Let Us Break Bread Together. A flowing arrangement of Adoro te devote that captures the… | |
Organ Easy Lent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $10.00 Two settings of Rockingham Old. Begins with a Prelude that is to be played freely and thoughtfully, followed by a solemn Meditation. Both settings give an introspective view of this much-loved tune.… |