1 Like a river flowing
Gently to the sea,
Flowers sweetly growing
On its verdant lea;
Onward to that ocean,
Hast’ning as its goal;
Blessing by its motion,
Flow thou on, my soul.
Flow on, my soul,
Flow on, my soul,
Flow thou on forever;
Flow thou on, my soul.
2 UP among the mountains,
Near the vaulted skies,
Streamlets have their fountains,
Pure and clear they rise,
Tender, sweet, caressing,
Thro’ the valleys roll;
Cheering, soothing, blessing,
Flow thou thus, my soul. [Chorus]
3 Still the river floweth
Tow’rd the ocean wide;
Never languor knoweth,
Be it ebb or tide;
So, my soul, flow ever,
From thy source above,
T’ward this sea forever,
Ocean of God’s love. [Chorus]
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #294