Marian Froelich

Short Name: Marian Froelich
Full Name: Froelich, Marian

Marian (or Marion) Froelich, 19th Century, was apparently the wife of organist and composer Gideon Froelich.

At Je­sus’ Feet
Bring on the Vol­un­teers
Cedars and the Pines, The
Child of Beth­le­hem, The
Christmas Morning
Christmas Mu­sic
Dare Ye to Stand?
Day Is Break­ing, The
Easter Af­ter Cal­va­ry
Happy Greet­ings Bring­ing
Glorious Re­sur­rect­ion
Glory to Beth­le­hem
God of the Sea­sons
Good Ship Zi­on, The
Kings of the Or­i­ent
Led, Safe­ly Led
Nature’s God, Cre­at­or Wise
Old New Song, The
Our Sab­bath School
Press On and Ne­ver Fear
Sail Not With­out the Mas­ter
Send Out the Life-Lines
Sing Ho­san­na
Upward, Ev­er Up­ward
Victory, Vic­to­ry Sing
Water of Life, The
Welcome To­day
What "Lit­tle O"

Texts by Marian Froelich (147)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
After rain, the sunshine, after night, the dayMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Among the blessed titlesMarian Froelich (Author)2
Arise to strength and powerMarian Froelich (Author)English2
As near Jerusalem of oldMarian Froelich (Author)2
At life's mountain base we lingerMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Beyond the hills far, far awayMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Bowed with the weight of her anguishMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Branch and bushes shivering, coweredMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Bright the arch of heaven is spreadingMarian Froelich (Author)English5
Can you tell me, can you tell meMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Christmas music merrily wakes the echoesMarian Froelich (Author)English8
Climb the steeps of life, my brotherMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Close to the throne of God aboveMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Come in, come in to the banquetMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Dare ye, boys, to stand undauntedMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Day by day a guiding handMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Doors of gold and gemmed with splendorMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Down from the ramparts of glory and mightMarian Froelich (Author)English6
Each year, in numbers growingMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Earth's flowered vales are fair to seeMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Embark, embark, the ship of Zion spreads her sailsMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Farewell, the children's [festal] day must closeMarian Froelich (Author)English4
Forth we go, with joy aglowMarian Froelich (Author)2
Forward line, to musicMarian Froelich (Author)2
From mossy hiding placesMarian Froelich (Author)2
From the earth with time's probationMarian Froelich (Author)English5
Give me the world, for I want it for JesusMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Give us to drink, Father, give us to drinkMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Glad angels, the glory of heaven forsakingMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Glory's kiss awoke the morningMarian Froelich (Author)English4
Guardians from on high attend usMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Hail, happy anniversary dayMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Happy in the morning to the day we'll riseMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Hark, mysterious through the nightMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Hark, the clarion note is soundingMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Hark, the voice of raging battleMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Have you heard the message ringingMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Here find I rest and peaceMarian Froelich (Author)English4
I come from the east on the wings of the morningMarian Froelich (Author)English3
I heard his call, though distant far it soundedMarian Froelich (Author)English2
In eastern lands a bowerMarian Froelich (Author)English2
In the name of God JehovahMarian Froelich (Author)2
In the tops of the cedars and pinesMarian Froelich (Author)English3
In this war no musketsMarian Froelich (Author)2
Israel, hear the Lord's commandMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Its shining course the yearMarian Froelich (Author)2
Jubilant the songs that thunderMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Just across the silent river, where God's hosts adoreMarian Froelich (Author)English2
King alcohol sat at his royal spread boardMarian Froelich (Author)English2
King of the land of lightMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Let memory take the retrospectMarian Froelich (Author)2
Like a river flowing Gently to the seaMarian Froelich (Author)English5
Like an ocean sweep the agesMarian Froelich (Author)2
Long we've heard the batteries thunderMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Lord, bless our Sabbath school todayMarian Froelich (Author)English5
Loud was the cheer and discordant the songMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Mein Herz ist voll von Freud' und LustMarian Froelich (Author)German1
Mein Schild ist der Herr ZebaothMarian Froelich (Author)German1
My heart is filled with purest loveMarian Froelich (Author)English2
My shield the Lord Jehovah isMarian Froelich (Author)English2
No night so dark but through its gloomMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Now to the child of BethlehemMarian Froelich (Author)English3
O, could we but express in words our highest, noblest thoughtMarian Froelich (Author)English2
O Jesus, Rose of Sharon And lily of the valeMarian Froelich (Author)English2
O kings from eastern shoreMarian Froelich (Author)English3
O, merry anniversary dayMarian Froelich (Author)2
O paradise, O Eden brightMarian Froelich (Author)English3
O portals fair, O heavenly gatesMarian Froelich (Author)English2
O Shepherd, one lamb from the fold is astrayMarian Froelich (Author)English4
O, shout aloud, saloons must goMarian Froelich (Author)English2
O stay thy hand from the brimming cupMarian Froelich (Author)English2
O, strange is the scene in the gardenMarian Froelich (Author)English3
O who is like Jesus, the crucified OneMarian Froelich (Author)English2
O who will tell the storyMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Our hearts are singing with joy todayMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Over the holy city slumberingMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Pleading with eyes look softly upwardMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Praise shall resound from the hillside and valleyMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Praise the Lord for childhood's daysMarian Froelich (Author)English3
See, intemperance is advancingMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Send the cause of temperance rollingMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Serried ranks of thousandsMarian Froelich (Author)2
Softly close thine eyesMarian Froelich (Author)3
Songs of joyous innocenceMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Songs of jubilee, joyous melodyMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Sound your praises with holy adorationMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Spring is reigning now triumphantMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Spring's blithesome steps again have strayedMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Stand firm, O my comrades, for honor and truthMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Strike the cymbal of salvationMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Sweet June with tender hand is leadingMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Swift as the shuttleMarian Froelich (Author)2
Tell it with gladness, O ye believersMarian Froelich (Author)English2
The earth is awaking to jubilee's yearMarian Froelich (Author)English3
The fires are burning fiercelyMarian Froelich (Author)English3
The God of seasons moved the wheelMarian Froelich (Author)English2
The Master has given with bountiful handsMarian Froelich (Author)English3
The Master is calling you, calling to workMarian Froelich (Author)English2
The people of JerusalemMarian Froelich (Author)English2
The pine tree stood in the summer daysMarian Froelich (Author)English2
The star eyed daisies dot the groundMarian Froelich (Author)English5
The sun sends forth her golden beamsMarian Froelich (Author)English2
The waters rippled softly on GalileeMarian Froelich (Author)English3
The waves are rising highMarian Froelich (Author)English3
The word of prophets is fulfilledMarian Froelich (Author)English3
There's a ring to the cheer that we send up todayMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Though fair the scenes that greet the eyeMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Through the glorious heavenly archesMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Throngs went out to meet the SaviorMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Time, the circling seasons wingingMarian Froelich (Author)English2
'Tis spreading, 'tis spreading, the glow in the skyMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Up the mount of Zion strivingMarian Froelich (Author)English6
Wake the Christmas carolsMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Walking through the crowded cityMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Waving banners, standardsMarian Froelich (Author)2
We are going out to battle, and our war cry is a songMarian Froelich (Author)English3
We are marching forwardMarian Froelich (Author)2
We bid a long and a glad goodbyeMarian Froelich (Author)English2
We come with happy greetings, To all the children's throngMarian Froelich (Author)English3
We give our banners to the breezeMarian Froelich (Author)English2
We long to be thine, O blest Savior divineMarian Froelich (Author)English2
We meet today with sacred joyMarian Froelich (Author)English3
We shout our watchword as we forward goMarian Froelich (Author)English2
We sing the song forever newMarian Froelich (Author)English2
We want to work for Jesus, We're very small, 'tis trueeMarian Froelich (Author)English2
We welcome thy coming, O blest Easter dayMarian Froelich (Author)English2
We will take the helmet of salvationMarian Froelich (Author)English4
Welcome again to our festival dayMarian Froelich (Author)English2
We'll set a mark for us to reachMarian Froelich (Author)English2
We'll take the armor of our GodMarian Froelich (Author)English2
We're climbing the heavenly ladderMarian Froelich (Author)English5
We're heirs to a noble heritageMarian Froelich (Author)2
What tree is this that towers so highMarian Froelich (Author)English2
When 'mid the music of the spheresMarian Froelich (Author)English3
When the harps of gold are ringingMarian Froelich (Author)English5
When the Sabbath morning comes with holy calmMarian Froelich (Author)English2
When the winter snow descendedMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Where blossoms fair, sweet Sharon's RoseMarian Froelich (Author)English2
While fields are decked with beautyMarian Froelich (Author)2
While summer suns are ripeningMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Who are the countless numberMarian Froelich (Author)English2
With cloudless sky we startedMarian Froelich (Author)English6
With radiant joy we hailMarian Froelich (Author)2
With steady steps we're treadingMarian Froelich (Author)English3
Would you have a mighty nationMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Ye men of earnest, honest toilMarian Froelich (Author)English2
Ye messengers come speed your wayMarian Froelich (Author)English2
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