1 Jesus, truest Friend, unite
All Thy consecrated band,
That their hearts be set aright
To fulfil Thy last command.
2 Thou, Who dost command that all
Practise love who bear Thy Name,
Wake the dead, new followers call,
Touch the slothful with Thy flame.
3 Let us live, O Lord, at one,
As Thou with the Father art,
That through all the world be none
Of Thy members left apart.
4 Let us find what Thou hast sought;
In the Son be all men freed,
And the world at last be taught
That Thy rule is blest indeed.
5 Father of all souls, we praise
Thee, Who shinest in the Son;
Lord, to Thee our hymns we raise,
Who hast all men to Thee drawn!
Source: Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church #209