1 In her Lord His Church rejoices,
Whom the host of heavenly voices
Welcome to His earthly throne:
Peace from Heav’n their song reciteth,
Earth to Heav’n it reuniteth,
Church with angels now are one.
2 To the flesh the Word is chainèd
As it had been fore-ordainèd:
Unapproached by mortal man,
Bears a virgin God’s own Temple,
Nor exemplar nor exemple,
Having since the worlds began.
3 ’Tis a marvel past discerning,
That the bush with fire is burning,
Yet the bush it not consumes;
Dews the skies give, mists the mountains,
Melt the clouds, the hills are fountains,
And the Root of Jesse blooms.
4 From the Root the Flower upgroweth,
As the oracle foreshoweth
Filling the rapt seer with joy:
Jesse’s Root was David’s pattern,
So the Rod the Virgin matern,
And its flower her heavenly Boy.
5 Where is gladness more abounding?
Where the plummet deep for sounding
Such abysmal mystery?
Here is theme for endless wonder;
Saints and angels, praising, ponder—
God an infant deigns to be!
6 Every charm the Flower attendeth:
It to inner sense commendeth
Seven-fold grace’s rich perfume:
Let us in this Flower delight us,
To the feast which doth invite us
With its fair and fragrant bloom.
7 Jesu, Branch that shall not wither,
May the day which brought Thee hither,
Bring Thy people joy and peace:
Flower and fruit of virgin culture,
Vital in Thy brief sepulture,
Never shall Thy praises cease.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10681