1 In death's strong grasp the Saviour lay,
For our offenses given:
But, lo, the Lord is ris'n today,
And brings us life from heaven:
Now therefore let us all rejoice
And praise our God with cheerful voice,
And sing loud hallelujahs.
2 Here the true Paschal Lamb we see,
Whom God so freely gave us;
He died on the accursed tree,
So strong His love to save us.
Th'atoning blood now marks our door,
Faith points to it, death passes o'er,
He nevermore can harm us.
3 So let us keep the festival
Whereto the Lord invites us;
Christ is Himself the Joy of all,
The Sun which warms and lights us:
And by His grace He doth impart
Eternal sunshine to the heart;
The night of sin is ended.
4 Then let us feast this Easter day
On the true Bread of heaven;
The Word of grade hath purged away
The old and wicked leaven:
For Christ alone our souls will feed,
He is our meat and drink indeed;
Faith lives upon no other.
Source: The Hymnal and Order of Service #134