1 Holy Ghost, my Comforter,
Now from highest heaven appear,
Shed Thy gracious radiance here.
2 Blessed Sun of grace, o'er all
Faithful hearts who on Thee call
Let Thy light and solace fall.
3 What without Thy aid is wrought,
Skilful deed or wisest thought,
God will count but vain and nought.
4 Cleanse us, Lord from sinful stain,
On the parched spirit rain,
Heal the wounded of its pain.
5 Bend the stubborn will to Thine,
Melt the cold with fire divine,
Erring hearts to right incline.
6 Grant us, Lord, who cry to Thee,
Steadfast in the faith to be,
Give Thy gift of charity.
7 May we live in holiness,
And in death find happiness,
And abide with Thee in bliss!
Source: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book: official hymn book of the Methodist Church #157