Christ will gather in His own
To the place where He is gone,
Where their heart and treasure lie,
Where our life is hid on high.
Day by day the voice saith, "Come,
Enter thine eternal home;"
Asking not if we can spare
This dear soul it summons there.
Had he ask'd us, well we know
We should cry, oh spare this blow!
Yes, with streaming tears should pray,
"Lord, we love him, let him stay!"
But the Lord doth nought amiss,
And since He hath order'd this,
We have nought to do but still
Rest in silence on His will.
Many a heart no longer here,
Ah! was all too inly dear;
Yet, O Love, 't is Thou doat call,
Thou wilt be our All in all.
First Line: | Christ will gather in His own, To the place where He is gone |
Title: | Christ Will Gather In His Own |
German Title: | Aller Glaubigen Sammelplatz |
Author: | Christian Gregor (1778) |
Author: | Nicolaus Ludwig, Graf von Zinzendorf |
Translator: | Catherine Winkworth (1863) |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
Deiner Kinder Sammelplatz. N. L.von Zinzendorf. [Burial of the Dead.] First appeared as No. 242 in the "Zweyter Anhang bis 1754," to the Kleine Brüder Gesang-Buch, London, 1754… [in a] form quite unsuited for public use. Though Knapp, in his 1845 edition of Zinzendorf’s Geistliche Lieder, p. 174, has tried to recast it without much success. It was probably written between 1749 and 1755. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii., 651, however says that it was written 1746, on the death and funeral of an only brother. In the Brüder Gesang-Buch of 1778 it was included as No. 1720, with stanzas ii., iii. omitted, and otherwise greatly altered and much improved by Christian Gregor. This text, which begins, "Aller Gl'aubgen Sammelplatz," is No. 1565 in the Berlin Geistliche Leider edition 1863. It is the usual funeral hymn among the German-speaking Moravians, and through the Württemberg Gesang-Buch of 1842 (No. 630) has become a great favourite in South Germany. Thus Koch, vii. 207, relates of Dr. C. G. Barth of Calw:—
On the 15th of November [1862], according to his own desire he was buried in the grave of Machtolf [his predecessor] at Mottlingen, where also his mother, who had died there in 1828, was at rest, to the strains of the hymn, an especial favourite of his, ‘Aller Glaub'gen Sammelplatz.'"
An additional verse, translated by Miss Winkworth as stanza iii., is founded on Zinzendorf’s stanza iv., and is thus given in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, edition 1850, No. 2895…
It has been translated as:—
Christ will gather in His own, a fine translation from the 1778 text... by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Series, 1858, p. 120, and in her Choral Book for England, 1863, No. 199. It was adopted unaltered as No. 191 in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1801, and has since been'included in Kennedy, 1863; Church Hymns, 1871; Baptist Hymnal, 1879, and others; and in America in the College Hymnal, 1870; Baptist Service of Song, 1871; Evangelical Hymnal 1880, and others. It is given, in a slightly altered form, in Putnam's Singers and Songs of the Liberal Faith, Boston, U. S., 1875, and marked as an original hymn by W. C. H. Dall.
Another translation, from the text of 1778, is "All the saints will meet on high," in J. D. Burns's Memoir and Remains, 1869, p. 228. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.]
--Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)
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