Display Title: Bread of Life from Heaven (Pan de Vida Eterna) First Line: Break now the bread of Christ's sacrifice (Ven y comparte el divino pan) Tune Title: ARGENTINE SANTO Author: Jaime Cortez, b. 1963; Susan R. Briehl, b. 1952 Meter: 9 9 9 9 with refrain Scripture: John 6 Date: 2013 Subject: Amor de Dios para Nosotros | ; Amor Para Otros | ; Easter Season | ; Eternal Life | ; Faith | ; Fe | ; Hambre y Sed | ; Hunger and Thirst | ; Light | ; Love for Others | ; Love of God for Us | ; Luz | ; Misterio Pascual | ; Palabra de Dios | ; Paschal Mystery | ; Rites of the Church | Eucharist; Ritos de la Iglesia | Eucaristía; Sacrifice | ; Sacrificio | ; Tiempo de Pascua | ; Vida Eterna | ; Word of God |
Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #764