1 Blessed is the man that never
Doth in godless counsel meet;
Nor in sinners' way stands ever,
Nor sits in the scorner's seat,
But on God's all-perfect law
Meditates with holy awe;
Day and night he delves for treasure
In the Word--'tis all his pleasure.
2 As a tree that has been planted
By the flowing waters fair,
In its season e'er is granted
Fruits and foliage to bear;
So is he, the righteous, seen
Ever fruitful, ever green,
And his leaf shall wither never,
All he does shall prosper ever.
3 To the wicked 'tis not given
Such a happy lot to share;
As the chaff by wind is driven
So shall the ungodly fare;
They in judgment shall not stand,
Nor be in the righteous band:
These the Lord forsaketh never,
Those shall be cast off forever.
4 For the Lord His people knoweth,
His pure eyes behold their way,
And the blessing He bestoweth
Is their heritage for aye:
But the wicked ever tend
To their doom and to their end:
God will all the righteous cherish,
But the wicked ones shall perish.
Source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #457