1 Almighty Lord of earth and heav'n,
The Ten Commandments Thou hast giv'n
Reveal how wicked I have been
And make me dread the curse of sin.
2 I've loved the creature more than Thee
And sinned against Thy majesty;
My love and trust to Thee denied,
On self and man my soul relied.
3 My lips have oft, from heart profane,
Employed Thy holy name in vain;
Forgetful of Thy cov'nant grace,
How seldom have I sought Thy face!
4 In sinful cares, or work, or play,
I've often spent Thy holy day,
Despised Thy Word, strayed from Thy fold,
And left Thy benefits untold.
5 My parents oft I've disobeyed,
Their good with evil deeds repaid;
I've been unchaste in word and deed
And careless of my neighbor's need.
6 With hateful thoughts my heart's been stained,
Nor have I aye my tongue restrained;
I've coveted what was not mine,
And so transgressed Thy law divine.
7 Ah, how my sins are multiplied
When by Thy law my life is tried!
O jealous God, do pity me
And mark not mine iniquity!
8 Let grace to judgment be preferred;
Remove the curse I have incurred;
For Jesus' sake my sins forgive,
And may I to Thy glory live.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #58
First Line: | Almighty Lord of earth and heaven |
Author: | C. H. L. Schuette |
Author: | David Denicke |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |