1 Allured by sin’s deceitful arts,
Unhappy men depart from God;
To Satan yield their treacherous hearts,
And fearless tread the downward road.
2 Still they increase their load of guilt,
Thoughtless amidst a thousand woes;
Or if some pangs of grief are felt,
Those sudden pangs they quickly lose.
3 They bid defiance to the skies,
And dare th’Almighty to His face;
His awful threat’nings they despise,
And cast contempt upon His grace.
4 But the decisive day will come,
And universal terror spread;
Then God will fix their final doom,
And vengeance strike the rebels dead.
5 Bound fast in adamantine chains,
Their numerous follies they will mourn;
Shall suffer unremitting pains,
And ever sin and ever burn.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16379