16379. Allured By Sin's Deceitful Arts

1 Allured by sin’s de­ceitf­ul arts,
Unhappy men de­part from God;
To Satan yield their trea­cher­ous hearts,
And fear­less tread the down­ward road.

2 Still they in­crease their load of guilt,
Thoughtless amidst a thou­sand woes;
Or if some pangs of grief are felt,
Those sud­den pangs they quick­ly lose.

3 They bid de­fi­ance to the skies,
And dare th’Al­migh­ty to His face;
His aw­ful threat’n­ings they des­pise,
And cast con­tempt upon His grace.

4 But the de­ci­sive day will come,
And uni­vers­al ter­ror spread;
Then God will fix their fi­nal doom,
And ven­geance strike the re­bels dead.

5 Bound fast in ada­man­tine chains,
Their nu­mer­ous fol­lies they will mourn;
Shall suf­fer un­remi­tting pains,
And ev­er sin and ev­er burn.

Text Information
First Line: Allured by sin’s de­ceitf­ul arts
Title: Allured By Sin's Deceitful Arts
Author: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795
Meter: LM
Language: English
Source: Hymns Adapted to Public Worship (London: Burton and Briggs,1818)
Copyright: Public Domain
Notes: Alternate tunes: BRESLAU from "Hymnodus Sacer," TRURO from "Psalmodia Evangelica," VOM HIMMEL HOCH from "Geistliche Lieder," WAREHAM by William Knapp
Tune Information
Name: ST. LUKE
Composer: John Frederick Lampe (1765)
Meter: LM
Key: f minor
Copyright: Public Domain

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