1 Across the sky and in the vales
A newer life is dawning;
So in our hearts we feel the glow
Of joyous Easter morning.
For lo! beneath the sun’s warm rays
The song birds forth are springing.
Hear them calling,
Hear them calling,
In the bright blue sky.
2 ’Tis life, fresh life, life everywhere,
A coming forth in glory;
In every tongue the world repeats
The resurrection story.
For all is life, there is no death,
Each morn succeeds a midnight.
Hail the dawning,
Hail the dawning,
Of the Easter morn.
3 All praise to Him who from the earth
Calls forth the lovely flower;
He plants within our hearts the hope
That blossoms hour by hour.
All praise to God, whose love so great
Dispels the night of sadness.
Hear them calling,
Hear them calling,
Song birds of the spring.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #15584