Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 God is our sure defence, our aid
in time of tribulation;
our heart shall never be dismayed,
though fail the earth's foundation,
o'er hills though foaming floods ascend,
though billows roar, and ocean rend
the mountain-peaks asunder.
2 A river by the holy shrine,
a pure and peaceful river,
makes glad the seat of power divine:
she stands unmoved for ever;
for God is in the midst of her,
a help, a stay, a comforter;
he comes at break of morning.
3 In Jacob's God our strength is found,
when heathen hosts assemble;
he speaks in thunder, at the sound
earth melts and nations tremble:
the Lord of hosts a refuge stands.
And lo! the wonders of his hands,
the wrath, the desolation!
4 He lulls the war, he burns the car,
the bow and spear he breaketh;
be still, he cries, for I arise;
the Lord, the Lord awaketh,
o'er all the earth a God most high:
the Lord of hosts, our help, is nigh,
our strength, the God of Jacob. Scripture: Psalm 46 Used With Tune: ZOHELETH
God is our sure defence, our aid