Author: Mary Nelson Keithahn Hymnal: Time Now to Gather #1 (1999) Meter: D Lyrics: A mother lined a basket to keep her baby dry,then rocked him on a river,lest he awake and cry.She let a princess name himher son that he might live.God's people had a leader.She had such hope to give.A mother sewed a jacket,lined in the softest wool,then dressed her little boy-child,her cup of blessing full.She brought him to the templewhere he would serve and live.God's people had a prophet.She had such faith to give. A mother laid her baby in manger lined with straw;then, in the shepherds' story,his call from God foresaw.She nurtured him and taught himthe way that he must live. God's people had a savior.She had such love to give.Like Jochebed and Hannah,and Mary too, we knowthe hardest part of lovingis learning to let go,so when we send our childrenout in the world to live,grant us such hope and faith, God,and love enough to give. Topics: Jesus Mary's son; Sacrifice; Women in the Bible Jochebed; Women in the Bible Hannah; Women in the Bible Mary Scripture: Exodus 2:1-10 Languages: English Tune Title: WEST MAIN
A Mother Lined a Basket