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Tune Identifier:"^warum_sollt_ich_ebeling$"

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All My Heart This Night Rejoices

Author: Paul Gerhardt Meter: D Appears in 280 hymnals Lyrics: 1. All my heart this night rejoices, As I hear, Far and near, Sweetest angel voices: "Christ is born," their choirs are singing, Till the air Ev'rywhere Now with joy is ringing. 2. Come and banish all your sadness, One and all, Great and small, Come with songs of gladness; Love Him who with love is yearning; Hail the star That from far Bright with hope is burning. 3. Hither come, ye heavy-hearted, Who for sin, Deep within, Long and sore have smarted; For the poisoned wounds you're feeling Help is near, One is here Mighty for their healing. 4. Hither come, ye poor and wretched, Know His will Is to fill Ev'ry hand outstretched; Here are riches without measure, Here forget All regret, Fill your hearts with treasure. 5. Faithfully Thee, Lord, I'll cherish, Live to Thee, And with Thee Dying, shall not perish, But shall dwell with Thee forever, Far on high, In the joy That can alter never. Topics: Jesus Christ Birth Used With Tune: WARUM SOLLT ICH MICH DENN GRAMEN

Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me?

Author: Paul Gerhardt Meter: D Appears in 22 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Why should cross and trial grieve me? Christ is near with His cheer, Never will He leave me. Who can rob me of the Heaven That God’s Son for my own To my faith hath given? 2. Though a heavy cross I’m bearing And my heart feels the smart, Shall I be despairing? God, my Helper, who doth send it, Well doth know all my woe And how best to end it. 3. God oft gives me days of gladness; Shall I grieve if He give Seasons, too, of sadness? God is good and tempers ever All my ill, and He will Wholly leave me never. 4. Hopeful, cheerful, and undaunted Everywhere they appear Who in Christ are planted. Death itself cannot appall them, They rejoice when the voice Of their Lord doth call them. 5. Death cannot destroy forever; From our fears, cares and tears It will us deliver. It will close life’s mournful story, Make a way that we may Enter heavenly glory. 6. What is all this life possesses? But a hand full of sand That the heart distresses. Noble gifts that pall me never Christ, our Lord, will accord To His saints forever. 7. Lord, my Shepherd, take me to Thee. Thou art mine; I was Thine Even ere I knew Thee. I am Thine, for Thou hast bought me; Lost I stood, but Thy blood Free salvation bought me. 8. Thou art mine; I love and own Thee. Light of joy, ne’er shall I From my heart dethrone Thee. Savior, let me soon behold Thee Face to face—may Thy grace Evermore enfold me! Used With Tune: EBELING Text Sources: Composite translation, based on John Kelly, Paul Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs (London: 1867)

All The Skies Tonight Sing O'er Us

Author: John O'Connor Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: All the skies tonight sing o’er us! Lyrics: 1 All the skies tonight sing o’er us! Sweet and far, star to star, Maketh solemn chorus. Time the midnight blest is telling When our Lord, God the Word, Made with us His dwelling. 2 Glory in the highest Heaven! And again, unto men, Their souls’ peace be given! All our wrong by Him is righted In whose birth Heav’n and earth Stand for aye united. 3 Sons of men, let nothing grieve you! Evermore Heaven’s door Widens to receive you! Brothers of the Babe eternal, In His name come and claim Grace and bliss supernal. Used With Tune: EBELING
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Lightly bound my bosom, ringing

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Rev. Matthias Loy, D. D. Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lightly bound my bosom, ringing Joyous lays, when in praise Angels all are singing, List! O list the swelling chorus: "Christ is born!" this fair morn Fills the welkin o'er us. 2 Forth to-day the Conq'uror goeth, Who the foe, sin and woe, Death and hell o'erthroweth. God with man becomes united, Flesh is made for our aid, Healing all that's blighted. 3 Shall we still dread God's displeasure, Who to save freely gave Us His dearest Treasure? Who from all the ills that grieve us In His love from above Sends Him to relieve us? 4 Should He, who Himself imparted, Aught withhold from the fold, Leave us broken-hearted? Should the Son of God not love us, Who to cheer suff'rers here Left His throne above us? 5 If our blessed Lord and Maker Hated men, would He then Be of flesh partaker? If He in our woe delighted, Would He bear all the care Of our race benighted? 6 He becomes the Lamb that taketh Sin away, and for aye Full atonement maketh. For our life His own He tenders, And our race, by His grace, Meet for glory renders. 7 Lowly lies He in the manger, And to all sends the call: Ye are freed from anger-- Cease your wailing in your weakness, All your stains, all your pains, I have bourne in meekness. 8 Come, then, banish all your sadness, One and all, great and small, Come with songs of gladness; Love Him who with love is glowing, View the star, near and far Light and joy bestowing. 9 Ye whose anguish knew no measure, Grieve no more, see the door To celestial pleasure: Come, He will your journey gladden To the rest of the blest, Where no sin shall sadden. 10 Ye whom conscience sorely troubles, All whose toil, pain to foil, But its wrath redoubles, Hither come with all your bruises, Here is One who to none Healing balm refuses. 11 Come all ye whom want oppresses, Here behold gems and gold, All He freely blesses. Come and taste that He is gracious-- To our hearts He imparts Jewels rare and precious. 12 Let me in my arms receive Thee, On Thy breast let me rest, Savior, ne'er to leave Thee! Since Thou hast Thyself presented Now to me, I shall be Evermore contented. 13 Now that Thou my nature wearest Guilt no more racks me sore-- Thou its burden bearest. Now from every spot and wrinkle I am free, since Thou me With Thy blood dost sprinkle. 14 I am pure in Thee, believing, From Thy store evermore Richest robes receiving. In my heart I will enfold Thee, Treasure rare! Let me there Raptured ever hold Thee! 15 Thee I will depart from never While I've breath, nor shall death From Thy love me sever! And in heaven, by saints surrounded, I shall be still with Thee, Tasting bliss unbounded! Topics: The Church Year Christmas Used With Tune: LÜNEBURG (Warum sollt' ich mich denn graemen)

Warum sollt’ ich mich den grämen

Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676 Appears in 98 hymnals Used With Tune: [Warum sollt’ ich mich den grämen]
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Groß ist unsers Gottes Güte

Author: G. Tersteegen Appears in 39 hymnals Used With Tune: [Groß ist unsers Gottes Güte]
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Why Should I Repine In Sadness?

Author: H. Brueckner; Paul Gerhardt Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Why should I repine in sadness? Left alone, still I own Christ, the Sun of gladness. Nor am I deprived of heaven, Which the Lord, my reward, To my faith has given. 2 What though earthly cares o'ertake me, Pain and loss be my cross? He will not forsake me. Sure relief from Him obtaining, I shall see darkness flee And the shadows waning. 3 From a thousand ills that grieve us In this life full of strife Death can but relieve us. For it closeth sorrow's portal Evermore, and its door Leads to joys immortal. 4 What is all this life containeth But a hand full of sand? Earthly treasure waneth. Nobler gifts beyond are waiting, While my Lord will award Pleasure unabating. 5 Lord, my Joy-spring, flowing ever, I am Thine, Thou art mine; Naught our hearts shall sever. Thou for me Thy life didst offer, Thou alone now dost own All I have to proffer. 6 Thou art mine, by faith own Thee, Nor will I, Light of joy. From my heart dethrone Thee. Grant that I Thy face beholding, Ever may with Thee stay, Blest in love's enfolding. Topics: The Christian Life Cross and Comfort Used With Tune: LÜNEBURG

All My Heart with Joy Is Springing

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Benjamin H. Kennedy Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1. All my heart with joy is springing, While in air everywhere Angel choirs are singing. Hear them to the shepherds telling: Christ is born! On this morn God with man is dwelling. 2. To this lower world descendeth, From above, He whose love All our sorrows endeth. He who breath and being gave us, Quits the skies, lives and dies In our flesh to save us. 3. Christ our Lamb so meek and loving Dries our tears, calms our fears, All our sins removing; Christ our Lamb, who suffers with us; He can quell death and hell, And to peace restore us. 4. Hark, from yon dark manger lowly, Breezes soft seem to waft Gentle words and holy: Sigh no more, away with sadness Brethren dear; I am here, Bringing hope and gladness. 5. Come ye now, and kneel before Him; Mortals all, great and small, Worship and adore Him: Love your King, whose love invites you: Lo, His star from afar To His dwelling lights you. 6. Ye, whom galling want oppresses Here ye find comfort kind, Balm for your distresses: Noblest treasures here are given; Riches true wait for you Poor of Christ, in Heaven. 7. Ye who strive with fierce temptation, Sorrow-stung, conscience-wrung, Here is consolation: For the woes which men inherit Christ can feel, Christ will heal Every wounded spirit. 8. Kind Redeemer, knit Thee to us; Quelling sin, reign within, With Thy grace renew us: Make us Thine by true repentance; Let us hear, free from fear, Lord, Thy final sentence. 9. Ours be Thy pure love, O Savior, Ours Thy faith, strong in death, Ours Thy meek behavior; Here let us, on Thee depending, In Thee die, with Thee fly To the bliss unending. Used With Tune: EBELING Text Sources: Hymnologia Christiana, 1863, alt.; Praxis Pietatis melica, 1653

Ah! Lord God, the World's Creator

Author: Jean Mauburn; George R. Woodward Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. Ah! Lord God, the world’s Creator, King of all, great or small, Earth’s Regenerator; Art Thou cradled, art Thou crying, Swathed and bound, on the ground, In the stable lying? 2. Love of man hath brought Me hither, Cords of love, from above, To exalt him thither; Dead in trespass, child, I sought thee; Gone astray, from My way, Life and pardon brought thee. 3. Empty be My scrip and coffer, Yet ’tis wealth, plenty, health, I am come to offer; Haste I to enrich and dress thee; Born to die, low I lie, And would gladly bless thee. 4. Therefore thousand thousand praises Are Thy due, Babe Jesu, These my heart upraises; Angels, mortals, furthest, nighest, Sing in mirth, Peace on earth, Glory in the highest. Used With Tune: EBELING Text Sources: Rosetum Exercitiorum Spiritualium et Sacrarum Meditationum, 1494; Translation: Songs of Syon, 1904
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Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen

Author: Paul Gerhardt Appears in 90 hymnals Used With Tune: [Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen]


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