Author: Jean B. de Santeüil; Robert Campbell Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Fearful thought of endless doom—
Skies are rent, the Judge is come;
Clouds His throne; around Him stand
Angel guards, a countless band.
2 Hear the voice from shore to shore,
Tells that time shall be no more;
See the dead from dust arise,
Summoned to the great assize.
3 On His right are placed the just,
To the left the wicked thrust;
Well to Him are sinners known—
Known, but severed from His own.
4 These a blest retreat have won,
Earth’s delights who learned to shun;
Chose affliction, pain and loss,
Followed Him who bore the cross.
5 Cross, from which the Hebrew turned,
Cross, by haughty Gentiles spurned;
Thee with joy the righteous see,
But the lost with agony.
6 Deeper still their shame and dread,
Seeing Him whose blood they shed;
Lord, from sin Thy people keep,
Lest its dreadful fruit they reap.
7 Mingling joy with holy fear,
Praise we Him whose day is near;
Bless alike the Father’s name,
And the Spirit’s praise proclaim.
Used With Tune: TUNBRIDGE Text Sources: Cluniac Breviary, 1686; Tr.: Annus Sanctus (Vol. 1) by Orby Shipley (London and New York: Burns & Oates, 1884)
Fearful Thought Of Endless Doom