Author: James M. Gray Appears in 18 hymnals First Line: The burden of my fear and sin Refrain First Line: There's victory in my soul Lyrics: 1 The burden of my fear and sin
On Christ by faith I roll;
And now I have His peace within
And vict'ry in my soul.
There’s victory in my soul,
Victory in my soul;
I grasp the promises by faith, -
There’s victory
Vict'ry in my soul.
2 I know there is a test for me,
A battle to be won;
But God ensures the victory
Before it is begun. [Chorus]
3 On battlefields of long ago,
When saints have drawn the sword,
Their strength did not o’ercome the foe,
But - trusting in the Lord. [Chorus]
4 While leaning on His arm alone
I cannot know defeat;
The glory shall be all His own
When vict'ry is complete. [Chorus]
5 E’en death itself I do not fear
Since Christ hath borne its sting;
His presence thro' the valley drear
Will help us then to sing. [Chorus]
Topics: Choir; Conflict; Faith; Victory Used With Tune: [The burden of my fear and sin]
Victory in My Soul