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Tune Identifier:"^st_neot$"

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Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place

Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 90 Used With Tune: ST. NEOT
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O God, why hast thou cast us off?

Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O God, why hast thou cast us off? is it for evermore? Against thy pasture-sheep why doth thine anger smoke so sore? 2 The congregation of thy choice in thy remembrance hold, the people who have purchased been by thee in days of old. The tribe of thine inheritance, which thou redeemed hast, this Zion hill, wherein thou hadst thy dwelling in the past. 3 To these long desolations, Lord, thy feet lift, tarry not, for all the ills thy foes within thy holy place have wrought. 4 In midst of thine own meeting-place thine enemies do roar: their ensigns they set up for signs of triumph thee before. 5 It seemed as if one lifted up is axe thick trees upon — 6 and now with hammer and with axe they break its carvings down. 7 They fired have thy sanctuary, and have defiled the same, by casting down unto the ground the place where dwelt thy name. 8 Thus said they in their hearts, Let us destroy them out of hand: they burnt up all the synagogues of God within the land. 9 Our signs we do not now behold; there is not us among a prophet more, nor any one that knows the time how long. 10 How long then shall the foe, O God, reproachfully exclaim? And shall the adversary thus always blaspheme thy name? 11 Thy hand, even thy right hand of might, to stretch forth why delay? why dost thou thus draw back? O from thy bosom pluck it out and sweep them quite away. Scripture: Psalm 74:1-11 Used With Tune: ST NEOT
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My God, deliver me from those

Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1 My God, deliver me from those that are mine enemies; and be thou my defence from those that up against me rise. 2 From workers of iniquity do thou deliver me; and give me safety from the men of blood and cruelty. 3 For, lo, they for my soul lay wait: the mighty do combine against me, Lord; not for my fault, nor any sin of mine. 4 They run, and, without fault in me, themselves do ready make: awake to meet me with thy help; and do thou notice take. 5 Awake, Jehovah, God of hosts, thou God of Israel, to visit heathen all: spare none that wickedly rebel. 6 At eventide they come again; they make great noise and sound, like to a dog, and often walk the city all round. 7 Behold, they belch out with their mouth, and in their lips are swords: for thus they say, Who now is he that heareth these our words? 8 But thou, O Lord, shalt laugh at them, and all the heathen mock. 9 While he’s in power I’ll wait on thee; for God is my high rock. 10 He of my mercy that is God betimes shall me prevent; upon mine enemies God shall let me see mine heart’s content. 11 Them slay not, lest my folk forget; but scatter them abroad by thy strong power; and bring them down, O thou our shield and God. 12 For their mouth’s sin, and for the words that from their lips do fly, let them be taken in their pride; because they curse and lie. 13 In wrath consume them, them consume, that so they may not be: and that in Jacob God doth rule to earth’s ends let them see. 14 At eventide they come again, they make great noise and sound like to a dog, and often walk the city all around. 15 They also wander up and down, that food they may obtain; and if they are not satisfied, they all night long remain. 16 But of thy power I’ll sing aloud; at morn thy mercy praise: for thou to me my refuge wast, and tower, in troublous days. 17 O God, thou art my strength, I will sing praises unto thee; for God is my defence, a God of mercy unto me. Scripture: Psalm 59 Used With Tune: ST NEOT
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Save me, O God, because the floods

Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Save me, O God, because the floods do so environ me, that even unto my very soul come in the waters be. 2 I downward in deep mire do sink, where standing there is none: into deep waters I am come, where floods have o’er me gone. 3 I weary with my crying am, my throat is also dried; mine eyes do fail, while for my God I waiting do abide. 4 Those men who do without a cause bear hatred unto me are more in number than the hairs upon my head that be: Strong are they without a cause me hate and would me slay; and therefore what I never took I forced am to repay. 5 Lord, thou my folly know’st, my sins not covered are from thee. 6 Let none that wait on thee be shamed, Lord God of hosts, in me. O thou who God of Israel art, let none that wait on thee confounded be at any time, or made ashamed in me. 7 For I have borne reproach for thee, my face is hid with shame. 8 To brethren strange, to mother’s sons an alien I became. 9 Because the zeal did eat me up which to thine house I bear; and the reproaches cast at thee upon me fallen are. 10 My tears and fasting mourned my soul, and that was made my shame: 11 I put on sackcloth and to them a byword I became. 12 The men that in the gate do sit against me evil spake; they also that vile drunkards were of me their song did make. 13 But, in a time of favour, Lord, I make my prayer to thee; in truth of thy salvation, Lord, and mercy great, hear me. 14 Deliver me out of the mire, from sinking do me keep; free me from those that do me hate, and from the waters deep. 15 Let not the flood o'er me prevail, whose water overflows; nor deep me swallow, nor the pit her mouth upon me close. 16 Hear me, O Lord, because thy love and kindness is most good; turn unto me, according to thy mercies’ multitude. 17 Nor from thy servant hide thy face: I’m troubled, soon attend. 18 Draw near my soul, and it redeem; me from my foes defend. 19 To thee is my reproach well known, my shame, and my disgrace: those that mine adversaries be are all before thy face. 20 My heart is broken by reproach, I’m full of grief and pain: for pity and for comforters I looked, but looked in vain. 21 They also bitter gall did give unto me for my meat: they gave me vinegar to drink, what time my thirst was great. 22 Before them let their table prove a snare; and do thou make their welfare and prosperity a trap themselves to take. 23 Let thou their eyes so darkened be, that sight may them forsake; and let their loins be made by thee continually to shake. 24 Thine anger pour thou out on them, let thy wrath seize them all; 25 be desolation in their tents, their homes to ruin fall. 26 Because they persecute the man whom thou didst smite before; and mocking tell the grief of those whom thou hast wounded sore. 27 Do thou add sin unto their sin, and, for their wickedness, And do not let them come at all into thy righteousness. 28 Out of the book of life let them be razed and blotted quite; among the righteous and the just their names do thou not write. 29 But now become exceeding poor and sorrowful am I: by thy salvation, O my God, let me be set on high. Scripture: Psalm 69:1-29 Used With Tune: ST NEOT
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يا رب كن لي سامعا

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 يا رب كن لي سامعاً في حين شكوايَ كن لحياتي حافظاً من شر أعدايَ 2 مَن صقلوا ألسُنَهمْ كالسيف ضد البارْ وصوَّبوا كلامهمْ كأسهمٍ من نارْ 3 ويكمُنون للتقي بالسوء يلهجونْ قالوا وهل عين تَرى ما نحن فاعلونْ 4 قد أتقنوا خِداعهمْ واخترعوا الفسادْ يُخفون كل قصدهمْ عن نظر العبادْ 5 يدينهم رب السما والناس تخشاهُ ويُخبرون كلهمْ بفعلِ يُمناهُ 6 يفرح كل الأتقيا بالرب فادينا فيه الفدا فيه الهَنا للمستقيمينا Used With Tune: ST. NEOT سند الإيمان
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Towards the Lord my waiting eyes

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 15 Towards the Lord my waiting eyes continually are set; for he it is that shall bring forth my feet out of the net. 16 O turn unto me, my God, and mercy to me show; for I am lone and desolate, and am brought very low. 17 Enlarged the griefs are of mine heart; me from distress relieve. 18 See mine affliction and my pain, and all my sins forgive. 19 Consider thou mine enemies, because they many be; and it a cruel hatred is which they do bear to me. 20 O do thou keep my soul; O God, do thou deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I do put my trust in thee. 21 Let truth and uprightness me keep, for I on thee attend. 22 Redemption, Lord, to Israel from all his troubles send. Scripture: Psalm 25:15-22 Used With Tune: ST NEOT
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How that the foe hath thee reproached

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 18 How that the foe hath thee reproached, O keep it in record; and that the foolish people have blasphemed thy name, O Lord. 19 Unto the multitude do not thy turtle’s soul deliver: the congregation of thy poor do not forget for ever. 20 Unto thy covenant have respect; for earth’s dark places be full of the habitations dread of horrid cruelty. 21 O let not those that be oppressed return again with shame: let those that poor and needy are give praise unto thy name. 22 Do thou, O God, arise and plead the cause that is thine own: remember how thou art reproached still by the foolish one. 23 Forget not thou the voice of them that foes are unto thee; the tumult of thine enemies ascends continually. Scripture: Psalm 74:18-23 Used With Tune: ST NEOT
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إذا نسينا اسم العلي

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 إذا نسِينا اسمَ العلي إلهِنا الرهيبْ أو إن بسطنا أيدياً لآخرٍ غريبْ 2 هل لا يقوم ربنا ليفحص الأمرا؟ قلوبنا أمامهُ وهو بها أدرى 3 لأننا من أجلهِ نُمات كل اليومْ وقد حُسبنا غنماً للذبح عند القومْ 4 لنا انتبه يا ربنا وامنح لنا الخلاصْ فكيف عنا تختفي وما لنا مناصْ 5 وكيف تنسى ذلَّنا يا ربنا المجيدْ إنَّ نفوسَنا انحنت في ضيقنا الشديدْ 6 يا رب قم عوناً لنا خلص بقوتكْ وافتدنا تكرُّماً من أجل رحمتكْ Used With Tune: ST. NEOTS

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