Author: Richard Frederick Littledale, 1833-1890 Meter: with refrain Appears in 10 hymnals First Line: O Lord, to whom the spirits live Lyrics: 1 O Lord, to whom the spirits live
of all the faithful passed away,
unto their path that brightness give
which shineth to the perfect day.
O Lamb of God, Redeemer blest,
Grant them eternal light and rest.
2 Bless thou the dead which die in thee;
as thou hast given them release,
so quicken them thy face to see,
and give them everlasting peace. [Refrain]
3 In thy green, pleasant pastures feed
the sheep which thou hast summoned hence;
and by the still, cool waters lead
thy flock in loving providence. [Refrain]
4 How long, O Holy Lord, how long
must we and they expectant wait
to hear the gladsome bridal song,
to see thee in thy royal state? [Refrain]
5 O hearken, Saviour, to their cry,
O rend the heavens and come down,
make up the jewels speedily,
and set them in thy golden crown. [Refrain]
6 Direct us with thine arm of might,
and bring us, perfected with them,
to dwell within thy city bright,
the heavenly Jerusalem. [Refrain] Topics: Sacraments and Other Occasions Funerals/Commemorations Used With Tune: ST MATTHIAS
O Lamb of God, Redeemer blest