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Tune Identifier:"^southwark_tye$"

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O for a thousand tongues, to sing

Appears in 1,760 hymnals Used With Tune: SOUTHWARK
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Behold! the mountain of the Lord

Meter: Appears in 184 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Behold! the mountain of the Lord in latter days shall rise on mountain tops above the hills, and draw the wond'ring eyes. 2 To this the joyful nations round, all tribes and tongues shall flow; Up to the hill of God, they'll say, and to his house we'll go. 3 The beam that shines from Sion hill shall lighten ev'ry land; the King who reigns in Salem's tow'rs shall all the world command. 4 Among the nations he shall judge; his judgements truth shall guide; his sceptre shall protect the just, and quell the sinner’s pride. 5 No strife shall rage, nor hostile feuds disturb those peaceful years; to ploughshares men shall beat their swords, to pruning-hooks their spears. 6 No longer hosts, encount'ring hosts, shall crowds of slain deplore: they hang the trumpet in the hall, and study war no more. 7 Come then, O house of Jacob! come to worship at his shrine; and, walking in the light of God, with holy beauties shine. Scripture: Isaiah 2:2-6 Used With Tune: SOUTHWARK
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Psalm 118

Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals First Line: Oh, set ye open unto me Lyrics: 1 Oh, set ye open unto me the gates of righteousness; then will I enter into them, and I the Lord will bless. 2 This is the gate of God, by it the just shall enter in. Thee will I praise, who answered me and hast my safety been. 3 That stone is made head corner-stone, which builders did despise: this is the doing of the Lord, and wondrous in our eyes. 4 This is the day God made, in it we'll joy triumphantly. Save now, I pray thee, Lord; I pray, send now prosperity. 5 Thou art my God, I'll thee exalt; my God, I will thee praise. Give thanks to God, for he is good: his mercy lasts always. Topics: Christian Year Ascension; Christian Year Easter; Morning; Sunday Scripture: Psalm 118:28-29 Used With Tune: SOUTHWARK Text Sources: The Scottish Psalter, 1929
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Praise ye the Lord, the Lord's name praise

Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Praise ye the Lord, the Lord’s name praise; his servants, praise ye God. 2 Who stand in God’s house, in the courts of our God make abode. 3 Praise ye the Lord, for he is good; unto him praises sing: sing praises to his name, because it is a pleasant thing. 4 For Jacob to himself the Lord did choose of his own will, for his peculiar treasure he hath chosen Israel. 5 Because I know assuredly the Lord is very great, and that our Lord above all gods in glory hath his seat. 6 What things soever pleased the Lord, that in the heaven did he, and in the earth, the seas, and all the places deep that be. 7 He from the ends of earth doth make the vapours to ascend; for rain he lightnings makes, and wind doth from his treasures send. 8 Of Egypt’s land the first-born all both man and beast, smote he; 9 sent Pharaoh and his servant signs, Egypt, in midst of thee. 10 He smote great nations, great kings slew 11 Sihon the Am'rite king, and Og of Bashan, and to nought did Canaan’s kingdoms bring: 12 And for a goodly heritage their pleasant land he gave, an heritage which Israel, his chosen folk, should have. 13 Thy name, O Lord, shall still endure, and thy memorial With honour shall continued be to generations all. 14 Because the righteous God will judge his people righteously; concerning those that do him serve himself repent will he. 15 The idols of the nations are of silver and of gold, and from the hands of men they take their fashion and their mould. 16 Mouths have they, but they do not speak; eyes, but they do not see; 17 ears have they, but hear not; and in their mouths no breathings be. 18 Their makers like them are; and all their trust in them that place. 19 Bless ye the Lord, O Israel's house; O bless him, Aaron's race. 20 O bless the Lord, of Levi’s house ye who his servants be; and all ye that the Lord do fear, his holy name bless ye. 21 From Zion, his own holy hill, blessed let Jehovah be, Who dwelleth at Jerusalem. Praise to the Lord give ye. Scripture: Psalm 135 Used With Tune: SOUTHWARK

Cantate Domino

Author: John Hopkins Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Sing ye with praise unto the Lord Lyrics: 1 Sing ye with praise unto the Lord A new and pleasant song; For He hath wrought throughout the world His wonders great and strong. 2 With His right hand fully worthily He doth His foes devour: And get Himself the victory, With His own arm and power. 3 The Lord doth make His people know His saving health and might; The Lord doth make His justice show, In all the heathen’s sight. 4 His grace and truth to Israel, In mind He doth record; That all the earth hath seen right well The goodness of the Lord. 5 Be glad in Him with joyful voice, All people of the earth; Give thanks to God, sing and rejoice, To Him with joy and mirth. 6 Upon the harp unto Him sing, Give thanks to Him with psalms; Rejoice before the Lord our king, With trumpets and with shalmes. 7 Yea, let the sea with all therein For joy both roar and swell; The earth likewise let it begin, With all that therein dwell. 8 And let the floods rejoice their fills, And clap their hands apace; The earth likewise let it begin, Before the Lord His face. 9 For He shall come to judge and try The world and every wight, And rule the people mightily, With justice and with right. Used With Tune: SOUTWARK Text Sources: The Whole Booke of Psalmes: Collected into English Meter
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O praise the Lord, for he is good

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O praise the Lord, for he is good; his mercy lasteth ever. 2 Let those who are of Israel say, His mercy faileth never. 3 Now let the house of Aaron say, His mercy lasteth ever. 4 Let those that fear the Lord now say, His mercy faileth never. 5 I in distress called on the Lord; the Lord did answer me: he in a large place did me set, from trouble made me free. 6 The Lord himself is on my side, I will not be afraid; for any thing that man can do I shall not be dismayed. 7 The Lord doth take my part with them that help to succour me; therefore on those that do me hate I my desire shall see. 8 'Tis better in the Lord to trust than trust in man's defence; 9 better trust in the Lord than make princes our confidence. 10 The nations, joining all in one, did compass me about: but in the Lord’s most holy name I shall them all root out. 11 They compassed me about; I say, They compassed me about: but in the Lord’s most holy name I shall them all root out. 12 Like bees they compassed me about; they're quenched like unto thorns that flame: for I will surely them destroy, in the Lord’s holy name. 13 Thou hast sore thrust that I might fall, the Lord hath succoured me; 14 the Lord my Saviour is become, my strength and song is he. 15 In dwellings of the just the voice of joy and health shall be; the right hand of the mighty Lord doth ever valiantly. 16 The right hand of the mighty Lord exalted is on high; the right hand of the mighty Lord doth ever valiantly. 17 I shall not die, but live, and shall Jehovah's works make known. 18 The Lord hath me chastised sore, but not to death brought down. 19 O set ye open unto me the gates of righteousness; then will I enter into them, and I the Lord will bless. 20 This is the gate of God, by it the just shall enter in. 21 Thee will I praise, for thou me heard’st and hast my safety been. 22 That stone is made head corner-stone, which builders did despise: 23 this is the doing of the Lord, and wondrous in our eyes. 24 This day the Lord hath made, in it we’ll joy triumphantly. 25 Save, Lord, I pray thee, Lord; I pray, send thou prosperity. 26 Blessed in the Lord's great name is he that cometh us among; we bless you from the house which doth unto the Lord belong. 27 God is the Lord, who unto us hath made light to arise: bind ye unto the altar’s horns with cords the sacrifice. 28 Thou art my God, I’ll thee exalt; my God, I will thee praise. 29 Praise ye the Lord, for he is good: his mercy lasts always. Scripture: Psalm 118 Used With Tune: SOUTHWARK
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In vision to thy holy one

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 19 In vision to thy holy one thou saidst, I help upon a strong one laid; out of the folk I raised a chosen one; 20 even David, I have found him out a servant unto me; and with my holy oil my King anointed him to be. 21 With whom my hand shall stablished be; mine arm shall make him strong. 22 From him the foe shall not exact, nor son of mischief wrong. 23 I will beat down before his face all his malicious foes; I will them greatly plague who do with hatred him oppose. 24 My mercy and my faithfulness with him yet still shall be; and in my name his horn and power men shall exalted see. 25 His hand of might shall reach afar; I’ll set it in the sea; and his right hand established shall in the rivers be. 26 Thou art my Father and my God, he unto me shall cry; the rock of my salvation thou on whom I do rely. 27 I’ll make him my first-born, more high than kings of any land. 28 My love I’ll ever keep for him, my covenant fast shall stand. 29 His seed I by my power will make for ever to endure; and, as the days of heaven, his throne shall stable be and sure. 30 But if his children shall forsake my laws, and go astray, and in my judgments shall not walk, but wander from the way: 31 If they my statutes do profane, my laws do not respect; 32 I’ll visit then their faults with rods, their sins with stripes correct. 33 Yet I’ll not take my love from him, nor false my promise make. 34 My covenant I’ll not break, nor change what with my mouth I spake. 35 Once by my holiness I sware, to David I’ll not lie; 36 his seed and throne shall, as the sun, before me last for aye. 37 Like the moon established it shall for ever be: the witness which is in the heaven doth witness faithfully. Scripture: Psalm 89:19-37 Used With Tune: SOUTHWARK
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O Sing a New Song

Author: John Hopkins Meter: Appears in 25 hymnals First Line: O sing a new song to the Lord Topics: Christian Life and Service Used With Tune: SOUTHWARK

God is of mine inheritance

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Lord Jesus Christ - His Resurrection Scripture: Psalm 16:5-11 Used With Tune: SOUTHWARK Text Sources: Scottish Psalter, 1650, alt.

Let folly praise what fancy loves

Meter: D Appears in 7 hymnals Used With Tune: Tye (Acts)


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