Author: W. C. Dessler Hymnal: The Ark of Praise #117 (1882) First Line: O Friend of souls, how blest the time Lyrics: 1 O Friend of souls! how blest the time
When in thy love I rest,
When from my weariness I climb
E’en to thy tender breast!
The night of sorrow endeth there,
Thy rays outshine the sun,
And in thy pardon and thy care
The heaven of heavens is won.
2 The world may call itself my foe,
Or flatter and allure:
I care not for the world; I go
To this tried Friend and sure.
And when life’s fiercest storms are sent
Upon life’s wildest sea,
My little bark is confident
Because it holdeth thee.
3 To others death seems dark and grim,
But no, O Lord, to me:
I know thou ne’er forsakest him
Who puts his trust in thee.
Nay, rather, with a joyful heart
I welcome the release
From this dark desert, and depart
To thy eternal peace. Tune Title: ROCKWELL
O Friend of Souls