Author: T. H. Gill, 1819-1906 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #55b (1917) Lyrics: 1 Lord God, by whom all change is wrought,
By whom new things to birth are brought,
In whom no change is known!
Whate'er Thou dost, whate'er Thou art,
Thy people still in Thee have part;
Still, still Thou art our own.
2 Ancient of Days! we dwell in Thee;
Out of Thine own eternity
Our peace and joy are wrought
We rest in our eternal God,
And make secure and sweet abode
With Thee, who changest not.
3 Each steadfast promise we possess;
Thine everlasting truth we bless,
Thine everlasting love,
The unfailing Helper close we clasp,
The everlasting Arms we grasp,
Nor from the Refuge move.
4 Spirit who makest all things new,
Thou leadest onward; we pursue
The heavenly march sublime,
'Neath Thy renewing fire we glow,
And still from strength to strength we go,
From height to height we climb.
5 Darkness and dread we leave behind,
New light, new glory still we find,
New realms divine possess;
New births of grace new raptures bring;
Triumphant, the new song we sing,
The great Renewer bless.
6 To Thee we rise, in Thee we rest;
We stay at home, we go in quest,
Still Thou art our abode
The rapture swells, the wonder grows
As full on us new life still flows
From our unchanging God. Topics: The Godhead The Father; God Unchangeable; Unchangeableness of Christ Languages: English Tune Title: PURLEIGH
Lord God, by whom all change is wrought