Author: Thomas Aquinas, 1227-1274 Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals First Line: Of the glorius body telling Lyrics: 1 Of the glorious body telling,
O my tongue, its myst'ries sing,
And the blood, all price excelling,
Which the world’s eternal King,
In a noble womb once dwelling,
Shed for this world’s ransoming.
2 Giv'n for us, for us descending,
Of a virgin to proceed,
With us all in converse blending,
Scattered he the Gospel seed,
Till his sojourn drew to ending
Which he closed in wondrous deed.
3 At the last great supper lying
Circled by his chosen band,
Meekly with the law complying,
First he finished its command;
Then, immortal food supplying,
Gave himself with his own hand.
4 Word made flesh, by word ordaining
Very bread his flesh to be;
We, in wine Christ’s blood obtaining,
And, if senses fail to see,
Faith alone will wake those straining
To behold the mystery. Amen
5 Therefore we, before him bending,
This great sacrament revere:
Types and shadows have their ending,
For the newer rite is here;
Faith, our outward sense befriending,
Makes the inward vision clear.
6 Glory let us give, and blessing
To the Father and the Son;
Honor, might, and praise addressing,
While eternal ages run;
Ever, too, the Spirit blessing,
Who, from both, with both is one.
Amen Topics: Holy Week; Holy Communion; Holy Week Used With Tune: PANGE LINGUA Text Sources: Tr. composite
Of the Glorious Body Telling