Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Who hath his Dwelling made, beneath th'Almighty's Shade,
Shall securely there abide:
Thus to my Soul I'll say, He is my Tow'r and Stay,
In thee, LORD, I will confide.
His tender Love and Care, Shall free thee from the Snare,
And the noisome Pestilence;
His shelt'ring Wings he'll spread, O'er thy unguarded Head,
And his Truth is thy Defence.
2 No Terrors of the Night, Shall thy firm courage fright,
Nor the Shafts that fly by Day;
Nor secret Plague that kills, Nor those infectious Ills,
Which in hottest Season slay:
Near thee ten Thousand die, And strew'd around thee lie,
Whilst thy Health untouch'd remains;
Thou shalt look on and see, Their sad Catastrophe,
Counting still the Sinners Gains.
3 Because with Confidence, On GOD, for thy Defence,
Thou most firmly didst rely;
Therefore no Sickness shall, Upon thy Dwelling fall,
Nor shall any Plague draw nigh:
For GOD, throughout thy Days, To guard thee in thy Ways,
To his Angels gives Commands;
And they, lest thou should'st meet, Rough Stones to wound thy Feet,
Shall convey thee in their Hands.
4 In Safety he shall go; Lions and Dragons too,
Underneath his Feet shall lie;
Because he honour'd me, Saith GOD, I'll set him free,
And will place his Throne on high:
Whatever Ill befalls, I'll answer when he calls,
And increase his Pow'r and Wealth;
And when in Calm Content, His happy Life is spent,
Him I'll crown with saving Health. Topics: Description of Confidence of Believers in Dangers; Description of Mortality Scripture: Psalm 91 Used With Tune: [Who hath his dwelling made, beneath th' Almighty's Shade]
Who hath his dwelling made, beneath th' Almighty's Shade