Meter: D Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1 In your heritage the nations
now, O God, rebellious stand;
they defile your holy temple,
they destroy your chosen land.
Ruthless, they have slain your servants,
they have caused your saints to mourn;
in the sight of all about us
we endure reproach and scorn.
2 O how long against your people
will your anger burn, O LORD?
On your enemies, the heathen,
let your anger, LORD, be poured.
Smite the kingdoms that defy you,
that do not call on your name.
They have long devoured your people
and destroyed your land with flame.
3 O remember not against us
evil by our fathers done.
LORD, deliver in your mercy;
near to ruin we have come.
Help us, God of our salvation,
for the glory of your name.
Why should nations shout defiance?
Take away our sin and shame.
4 Let the nations know our Savior
will avenge his servants slain.
Loose the prisoner, save the dying,
all your enemies restrain.
Then your flock, your chosen people,
songs of thankfulness will raise;
and, to every generation,
we will sing your glorious praise.
Topics: Judge, God/Christ as; Laments; Society/Social Concerns; Temptation & Trial; Confession of Sin; Judge, God/Christ as; Laments; Lord's Supper; Society/Social Concerns; Temptation & Trial Scripture: Psalm 79 Used With Tune: O MEIN JESU Text Sources: Psalter, 1912, alt.
In Your Heritage the Nations