Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XXVIII (1767) Lyrics: 1 O LORD, the Rock, of my Defence,
My certain Hope and Confidence,
Do thou in tender Mercy hear,
Thy Servant's earnest hymble Pray'r;
Lest I in Sighs consume my Breath.
And fall like those who sleep in Death.
2 Attend the Cries of my Distress,
Hear me whom many Woes oppress;
Nor cast me from thy Mercy_Seat;
Lest I the Sinners Doom= should meet,
Who make a Trade of doing Ill,
And speak them fair they mean to kill.
3 According as they have dsign'd,
So let them, LORD, thy Justice find;
As they without Remorse transgress'd,
And have the Innocent oppress'd:
Be thou, O LORD, relentless too,
And let thy Vengeance them pursue.
4 The Works of GOD they ne'er respect,
But still with Scorn his Grace reject;
Against his Saints they Wiles employ,
The LORD will build them up no more.
5 To GOD my Song shall be address'd,
Who heard the Voice of me distress'd;
In him my Confidence was plac'd,
And I return'd with Triumphs grac'd;
My grateful Heart shall therefore raise,
This chearful Tribute to his Praise.
6 'Tis by his Pow'r I am sustain'd,
"His Arm hath still my Cause maintain'd;
"'Twas He advanc'd me to the Throne,
"I reign secure through him alone."
Thy Chosen, LORD, with Plenty bless,
And in their Battles grant Success.
Topics: Description of Hyprocisy; Prayers Of the Church for her Preservation and Prosperity in all Ages; Prayers When percecuted; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 28 Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord, the Rock of my defence]
O LORD, the Rock of my Defence