Author: James A. Libby Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #13467 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Before Thy face, with lifted hands,
My helplessness, O God, I plead;
Look on the form of Him who stands
With Thee, for me to intercede.
2 The marks of sin are on His brow,
Yea, in His hands, and feet, and side,
Here were the fountains whence did flow
For all my guilt, the cleansing tide.
3 My sins helped weave the thorny crown,
The nails were driven for my guilt;
On me His eyes were looking down
When freely thus His blood was spilt.
4 With broken heart and bowing head,
Fallen upon my bended knee,
I hear the words, "Forgive him," said,
And now I know He meaneth me.
5 His name hath led me to Thy throne;
His work for me this boldness gives;
I nothing am, I gladly own,
I live redeemed because He lives. Languages: English Tune Title: MY HELPLESSNESS
Before Thy Face, With Lifted Hands