Author: Frederick Oakley, 1802-1880 Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Great Saint Andrew, friend of Jesus,
lover of his glorious cross,
early by his voice effective
called from ease to pain and loss,
strong Saint Andrew, Simon's brother,
who with hast fraternal flew,
fain with him to share the treasure
which, at Jesus' lips, he drew.
2 Great Saint Andrew, Jesus' herald,
true apostle, martyr bold,
who, by deeds his words confirming,
sealed with blood the truth he told.
Ne'er to king was crown so beauteous,
ne'er was prize to heart so dear,
as to him the cross of Jesus
when its promised joys drew near.
3 Loved Saint Andrew, Scotland's patron,
watch thy land with heedful eye,
rally round the cross of Jesus
all her storied chivalry!
To the Father, Son and Spirit
fount of sanctity and love,
give we glory, now and ever,
with the saints who reign above.
Topics: Saints' and Other Holy Days St. Andrew Used With Tune: CONTEMPLATION (MENDELSSOHN)
Great Saint Andrew, friend of Jesus