Author: Archibald Hamilton Charteris, 1835 - 1908 Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Believing fathers oft have told
What things by God were done,
When faithful men in days of old
Their lifelong battle won:
True brothers all, of one accord,
We hold one faith, we serve one Lord.
2 Amid the world’s confused noise,
Where we but darkly see,
The Christ appeals, with sweet, clear voice:
'My brothers, follow me,
Like brothers true, of one accord,
To hold one faith, to serve one Lord.'
3 His Church our shelter, he our guide,
Our strength his healing Cross,
We range ourselves upon his side,
Where none can suffer loss.
Like brothers true, of one accord,
We hold one faith and serve one Lord. A-men.
4 So by thy Spirit mold us, Lord;
Inspire our hearts to pray;
Our hungry souls feed with thy Word,
Teach all of us to say:
'True brothers all, of one accord,
We hold one faith, we serve one Lord.'
5 We fain would serve thy Church e'en now,
With hearts from self set free,
Striving to make thy kingdom grow,
O God, so may it be,
That, brothers true, with one accord,
We hold the faith and serve the Lord!
Topics: The Life In Christ Consecration; The Life In Christ Service Used With Tune: MEIRINGEN
Believing fathers oft have told