Author: Herbert Buffum; R. E. Winsett Meter: D with refrain Appears in 21 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lift me up above the shadows,
Plant my feet on higher ground,
Lift me up above the clouds, Lord,
Where the pure sunshine is found;
Lift me up above my weakness,
Lift me up into Thy strength,
Lift me up above the shadows,
Till I stand with Thee at length.
Lift me up above the shadows,
Lift me up and let me stand
On the mountaintops of glory,
Let me dwell in Beulah land.
2 Lift me up above the shadows,
For the storms are raging high,
Lift me up, my blessed Savior,
Let me to Thy bosom fly;
There no evil thing can touch me,
Over on the shining side,
Lift me up above the shadows,
Let me evermore abide. [Refrain]
3 Lift me up above the shadows,
Out of sorrow into joy,
Lift me up above my grief, Lord,
Give me gold for my alloy;
Then when death must claim my spirit,
And the storms of life are past,
Lift me up above the shadows,
Till in heav’n I stand at last. [Refrain]
4 Lift us up above the shadows,
When to earth You come again,
Let us be in the assembly,
As Thy Bride to ever reign;
In Thy kingdom full of glory,
With our friends we’ll ever be,
Lift us up above the shadows,
There to dwell eternally. [Refrain]
Full Gospel Songs, 1945-1955? (Timeless Truths) Used With Tune: [Lift me up above the shadows]
Lift Me Up Above the Shadows