Author: Benjamin Schmolck; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 70 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Blessed Jesus, we are here,
gladly your command obeying.
With this child we now draw near
in response to your own saying
that to you it shall be given
as a child and heir of heaven.
2 Your command is clear and plain.
and we would obey it duly:
"You must all be born again,
heart and life renewing truly,
born of water and the Spirit,
and my kingdom thus inherit."
3 This is why we come to you
in our arms this infant bearing;
Lord, to us your glory show;
Let this child, your mercy sharing,
in your arms be shielded ever,
yours on earth and yours forever.
4 Gracious Head, your member own;
Shepherd, take your lamb and feed it;
Prince of Peace, make here your throne;
way of life, to heaven lead it;
Precious vine, let nothing sever
from your side this branch forever.
5 Now into your heart we pour
prayers that from our hearts proceeded.
Our petitions heav'nward soar;
may our fond desires be heeded!
Write the name we now have given;
write it in the book of heaven!
Scripture: Luke 10:20 Used With Tune: LIEBSTER JESU Text Sources: Liebster Jesu, Lutheran Book of Worship, tr. (1978, alt.)
Blessed Jesus, We Are Here