Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Lord, my prayer hear,
and to my suppliant cry
in faithfulness give ear,
in righteousness reply.
2 In judgment call not me
thy servant to be tried,
no living man can be
in thy sight justified.
3 The foe my soul hath sought,
my life to earth doth tread;
to darkness me hath brought,
as those that long are dead.
4 My spirit therefore vexed
o'erwhelmed is me within;
my heart in me perplexed,
and desolate hath been.
5 Yet I to mind recall
what ancient days record,
thy works I ponder all,
I muse on them O Lord.
6 To thee I stretch my hands,
do thou my helper be,
behold as thirsty lands
my soul doth long for thee.
7 Lord, let my prayer prevail,
to answer it make speed;
my spirit quite doth fail:
hide not thy face in need;
lest I be like to those
that do in darkness sit,
or him that downward goes
into the dreadful pit.
8 Because I trust in thee,
O Lord, cause me to hear
thy loving-kindness free,
when morning doth appear:
make me to know the way
wherein my path should be;
because my soul each day
I do lift up to thee.
9 O Lord, deliver me
from all who me oppose:
to thee, my God, I fee,
to hide me from my foes.
10 No God have I but thee,
teach me to do thy will:
thy Spirit's good, lead me
in a plain pathway still.
Scripture: Psalm 143 Used With Tune: LEUCHARS
O Lord, my prayer hear