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Tune Identifier:"^kjaerlighed_er_lysets_kilde_lindeman$"

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Christ, the Life of all the living

Meter: Appears in 67 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Christ, the Life of all the living, Christ, the Death of death our foe, Who, Thyself for us once giving To the darkest depths of woe, Patiently didst yield Thy breath But to save my soul from death: Thousand, thousand thanks shall be, Blessed Jesus, unto Thee. 2 Thou, ah Thou, hast taken on Thee Bitter strokes, a cruel rod; Pain and scorn were heaped upon Thee, 0 Thou sinless Son of God, Only thus for me to win Rescue from the bonds of sin: Thousand, thousand thanks shall be, Dearest Jesus, unto Thee. 3 Thou didst bear the smiting only That it might not fall on me; Stoodest falsely charged and lonely That I might be safe and free; Comfortless, that I might know Comfort from Thy boundless woe: Thousand, thousand thanks shall be, Dearest Jesus, unto Thee. 4 Then, for all that wrought our pardon, For Thy sorrows deep and sore, For Thine anguish in the garden, I will thank Thee evermore,-- Thank Thee with my latest breath For Thy sad and cruel death; For that last and bitter cry, Praise Thee evermore on high. Topics: TheChurch Year The Passion; Forgiveness of Sin; Forgiveness of Sin Wrought by Christ; Gratitude to God and Christ; Redemption Used With Tune: CHRIST, THE LIFE OF ALL THE LIVING

Kjærlighed er Lysets Kilde

Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Kjærlighed er Lysets Kilde, Kjærlighed er Livets Rod, Derfor er Guds Raad saa milde, Derfor er Guds Aand saa god, Som vor Frelser har forklaret, Aanden selv os aabenbaret, Som vi føler i Guds Fred Og det Haab, vi trøstes ved. 2 Kjærlighed er Livets Krone, Kjærlighed er Lysets Glans, Derfor sidder paa sin Throne Jesus nu med Straalekrans, Han, som Lyset er og Livet, Har for os sig selv hengivet, Bliver i og lever ved Guds, sin Faders, Kjærlighed. 3 Kjærlighed er Lovens Fylde Og Fuldkommenhedens Baand, Den er, hvad vor Gud vi skylde, Den er Frugten af hans Aand, Derfor med Guds-Kjærligheden Vokser op omkap Guds-Freden, Vorde kan vi og ved den Et med Sjælens bedste Ven. Topics: Fjerde Søndag efter Hellig Tre-Kongers Dag Til Aftensang; Fourth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening; I Nød og Fare; In Need and Danger; Kirken; The Church; Kjærlighed til og Længsel efter Gud; Love to and Longing for God; Tillid; Trust; Skjertorsdag Til Aftensang; Maundy Thursday For Evening; Første Pintsedag Til Ottesang og Høimesse; First Pentecost Day High Mass; 4 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Hoimesse; Fourth Sunday after Trinity Sunday High Mass; 13 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Hoimesse; Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday High Mass; 13 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Aftensang; Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening; Særlige Salmer Søfarende; Special Hymns Seafarers Used With Tune: [Kjærlighed er Lysets Kilde]
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Conquering Prince and King of glory

Author: G. Tersteegen Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Conquering Prince and King of glory, Majesty sublimely bright! Heaven and all the heavens adore Thee, Throned above their farthest height. Shall I not, enraptured gazing, At Thy feet fall prostrate, praising, When mine eyes, by faith alight, Mark Thy glory and Thy might? 2 Far on high art Thou ascended, Sitting at Thy Father's right, Pure, seraphic voices blended, Crying, Glory! at the sight. Shall I not fall down before Thee, And with joyful heart adore Thee, When the heavens exultant ring With the triumph of my King? 3 Far and wide Thy brightness spreading Lights the land whose sun Thou art, Nobler bliss and glory shedding On each heavenly spirit's heart. There in highest glory seated, By rejoicing angels greeted; Here, though child of earth, I cry Hallelujah! Lord most high! 4 Of Thy cup shall I be fearful When Thy glory whelms my sight? Shall my courage not be cheerful When I recognize Thy might? Lord, I trust Thee, though Thou slay me; Now, not earth and hell dismay me. Thou my King, my Savior thou, At Thy name alone I bow. 5 Might and spirit now o'erflowing, With Thy power perform Thy word. All Thine enemies o'erthrowing, Make Thy foes Thy footstool, Lord. O'er the earth, O Judah's Lion, Send the scepter out of Zion, Spread Thy sway from sea to sea, Till the earth acknowledge Thee. 6 Throned on high, and all things filling, Thou art with us evermore. Now my soul, with rapture thrilling, Opens wide for Thee its door. Come, O come, Thou King of glory; 'Stablish Thy dominion 'er me; Live in me and reign alone, As upon Thy heavenly throne. 7 Thou ascended, gifts art giving; God and heaven are inly near. By Thee in the Spirit living, I shall stand before Thee there. Alien here to time and senses, Hid in Thee from their offenses; Set in heavenly place with Thee, Jesus, Thou art joy to me. Topics: The Church Year Ascension; The Church Year Ascension Used With Tune: [Conquering Prince and King of glory]

Hianao ry Tompon'aiko (Thou, the Lord of my life)

Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: [Thou, the Lord of my life]
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Death in all this world prevaileth

Author: J. G. Albinus Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Death in all this world prevaileth: Human life, a summer flower; Blooms at morn,at even faileth, But there comes a brighter hour. When o'er death shall rise victorious, And appear in forms more glorious, To a better life restored, Who have loved and served their Lord. 2 Jesus yielded up His spirit, And His ransomed people gain Life eternal by His merit; Death has armed his sting in vain. For the unfettered soul ascendeth To the world which never endeth, There without a veil to see God's true face eternally. 3 There is life that knows no sadness, There, a numberless array, White-robed denizens of gladness, Unto God their homage pay: Choir aloud to choir rejoices, Seraphs with delighted voices Holy, holy, holy, sing To their Triune God and King. 4 There the patriarchs abiding, There the prophets all have rest, There the noble twelve residing In their Master's love are blest; There the saints in holy splendor To the Lamb their praises render, Harping sweet in solemn strains "Hallelujah! Jesus reigns." Topics: The Church Year Twenty-sixth Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity; Eternal Life; Resurrection Used With Tune: [Death in all this world prevaileth]
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Love, the fount of light from heaven

Author: N. F. S. Grundtvig Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Love, the fount of light from heaven, Is the root and source of life; Therefore God’s decrees are given With His loving-kindness rife. As our Savior God declareth, And the Spirit witness beareth, As we in God’s peace do prove, God is light and God is love. 2 Love doth crown the life eternal, Love the brightness is of light, Therefore on His throne supernal Jesus sits in glory bright; He, the Light and Life of heaven, Who Himself for us hath given, Still abides and reigns above In His Father’s boundless love. 3 Love, alone the law fulfilling, Is the bond of perfectness, Love, who came a victim willing, Paid our debt and brought us peace; Therefore love and peace in union Ever grow in sweet communion, That through love we may abide One with Him who for us died. Topics: The Church Year Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity; God Loving Used With Tune: [Love, the fount of light from heaven]

Love is life's true crown and glory

Author: Nikolaj F. S. Grundtvig Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: LIGHT Text Sources: Based on the Danish of Nikolaj F. S. Grundtvig

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