Author: Amelia M. Starkweather Hymnal: Melodious Sonnets #4 (1885) First Line: I will look to the hills, to the beautiful hills Refrain First Line: O the beautiful, beautiful hills Lyrics: 1 I will look to the hills, to the beautiful hills,
Where the pure living fountains are found,
Whence my help cometh down in their life-giving rills,
That with joy make the desert abound.
O the beautiful, beautiful hills!
O the beautiful, beautiful hills!
My soul thrills with delight
At the rapturous sight
Of the beautiful glory-crowned hills.
2 On the ever green hills is the fair tree of life,
With its balm for all sorrow and care;
And its bowers are free from temptation and strife,
For the angel of Peace dwelleth there. [Refrain]
3 The Great Shepherd of Israel a faithful watch keeps,
That my foot be not moved from the way;
I will trust, for my Lord neither slumbers nor sleeps,
And the night is to him as the day. [Refrain]
4 The dark pathway he hallowed I will not despise,
I will drink of the cup that he fills,
And for joy in the darkness, will lift up mine eyes
To the light of the beautiful hills. [Refrain] Scripture: Psalm 121 Languages: English Tune Title: [I will look to the hills, to the beautiful hills]
The Beautiful Hills