Author: C. H. G. Hymnal: Triumphant Songs No.2 #96 (1889) First Line: I have often been told of a wonderful country Refrain First Line: O wonderful country, home of my Savior Lyrics: 1 I have often been told of a wonderful country,
A land that no mortal hath seen,
Where rivers of crystal forever are flowing,
Thro’ fields of perpetual green;
The summer and sun are forever unclouded,
And never there falleth the night,
A land where the brightest of flowers are growing,
In gardens eternal and bright.
O wonderful country, home of my Savior,
How I am longing for thee, for thee,
Where never a sorrow or care for the morrow
Shall trouble the blessed and free.
2 They say in that land is a glorious city,
Whose walls are of jasper and gold,
With glittering streets of most wonderful beauty
And wealth that can never be told;
They say the inhabitants never brow weary,
They never know sorrow or care,
That joy without measure and peace everlasting,
Are given the blessed ones there. [Refrain]
3 I read in the Bible the wonderful story,
How Jesus was nailed on the tree,
And how in the bitterest agony dying,
He opened that country to me;
By faith in his love, and the grace that he gives me,
I look to that country divine,
And know that among the rewards there awaiting,
A home and a crown shall be mine. [Refrain] Tune Title: [I have often been told of a wonderful country]
The Wonderful Country