Author: Ernest Edwin Ryden Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 How lovely are those dwellings,
That Jesus hath prepared,
Whose joy and peace celestial
No mortal ever shared;
Where God’s own ransomed children,
A never-ending throng,
To Father, Son, and Spirit
Shall raise the heav’nly song,
2 How lovely are those dwellings,
The mansions, pure and bright,
Where angels hymn their praises
In worship day and night;
Where Christ, the King of Glory,
The Lamb that once was slain,
Arrayed in heav’nly beauty,
Forevermore shall reign,
Arrayed in heav’nly beauty,
Forevermore shall reign.
3 How lovely are those dwellings!
My soul would wing its flight
To seek the golden city
Where God doth dwell in light.
O Jesus, grant Thy children
To trust Thy saving grace,
And in the home of glory
To see Thee face to face,
And in the home of glory
To see Thee face to face.
Amen. Used With Tune: [How lovely are those dwellings]
How Lovely Are Those Dwellings