Author: Godfrey Thring Meter: D Appears in 331 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Saviour, blessed Saviour,
Listen while we sing;
Hearts and voices raising
Praises to our King:
All we have we offer,
All we hope to be,
Body, soul, and spirit,
All we yield to thee.
2 Nearer, ever nearer,
Christ we draw to thee,
Deep in adoration
Bending low the knee;
Thou for our redemption
Cam'st on earth to die;
Thou, that we might follow,
Hast gone up on high.
3 Great, and ever greater,
Are thy mercies here;
True and everlasting
Are the glories there,
Where no pain nor sorrow,
Fear nor care, is known,
Where the angel legions
Circle round thy throne.
4 Higher then, and higher,
Bear the ransomed soul,
Earthly toils forgotten,
Saviour, to its goal;
Where, in joys unthought of,
Saints with angels sing,
Never weary, raising
Praises to their King.
Amen. Topics: Christ Exaltation of; Christian Life Sanctification; Consecration; Heaven Anticipated; Heaven Worship in ; Pilgrimage and Guidance Scripture: Romans 13:11 Used With Tune: HERMAS
Saviour, blessed Saviour