Author: Thomas Kingo Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Oh come, and stand beneath the cross Lyrics: 1 Oh, come and stand beneath the cross
And hear what Jesus speaks to us;
The words that from His mouth proceed
Will comfort us in times of need.
2 He pray'd for all His enemies:
"O Father dear, forgive them this;
They know not what they do and say,
But blindly walk their sinful way."
3 O Jesus, pray Thou, too, for me
That I increase my strength in Thee,
My heart is weak, my eyes are blind,
But grant that I Thy light may find.
4 And when His mother He beheld,
Whose heart with agony was fill'd,
He said: "Behold thy mother, John!"
And unto her: "Behold thy son!"
5 O Jesus, should I suffer loss
And stand forsaken with my cross,
Yea, even scorn'd by man I be,
Send friends of Thine to comfort me.
6 The robber who his sins confessed
Found comfort in his Savior blest,
Who took the sting of death away
And opened Paradise for aye.
7 Oh, let me, too, when death is near,
From Thine own lips with gladness hear
The blessed words: "Come thou to be
Today in Paradise with me."
8 He then the words in anguish spoke,
At which the earth and heaven shook;
"My God," He cried in agony,
"Why hast Thou thus forsaken me?"
9 God's wrath Thou borest on the cross,
For me Thou borest grief and loss,
For me Thou didst in anguish cry
And die that I should never die.
10 "I thirst," He said; O evil thought,
A sop of vinegar they brought!
O Jesus, through its bitterness
Thou drank'st the cup of my distress.
11 "'Tis finished!" said our dying Lord;
O blessed comfort, glorious word!
My sin and shame on Him were laid,
And all my debts forever paid.
12 His final word, this blessed cry,
Was full of hope from heaven high;
He cried: "My Father, I commend
My spirit in Thy loving hand."
13 Oh, how this word sweet hope instills
And heart and soul with comfort fills!
Oh, may that also be the word
Which at my death I speak, O Lord!
Topics: Passion and Easter Used With Tune: [Oh, come and stand beneath the cross]
Oh, Come, And Stand Beneath The Cross