Author: John Needham Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 No rod of vengeance Jesus takes
Like that which Moses bore;
His peaceful scepter shows He came
To save and to restore.
2 Laden with woes the sons of men
To this Physician fly:
He lends an ear to their complaints
And looks with pitying eye.
3 The powerful word He speaks, and lo!
The eyes long closed in night
Lift up their lids, with sweet surprise,
To hail the joyous light.
4 New life the withered cripple feels
Diffused through every part:
His couch and crutch he now forgets,
And leaps like any hart.
A word the deaf restores; the dumb
With ease their tongues employ;
Amazed, and pleased at their own voice,
They sing and shout for joy.
5 Beholdat once the lepers cleansed,
Touched by the Savior’s hand:
Palsy, and fever, and each plague
Depart at His command.
6 The winds and waves, midst all their rage,
His powerful voice obey:
Devils His awful presence flee,
Nor dare they longer stay.
7 Repeat my soul, these wondrous acts,
And all His honors spread:
Tell how His voice unbarred the tomb,
And waked the silent dead.
8 Jesus, my Savior and my Lord,
How bright Thy glories shine!
Thy works all praise exceed, and speak
Thy character divine. Used With Tune: EVERSLEY Text Sources: Hymns Devotional and Moral on Various Subjects (Bristol, England: S. Farley, 1768)
No Rod Of Vengeance Jesus Takes