Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8328 Meter: First Line: O Jesus our head, who hast died in our stead Lyrics: 1 O Jesus our head, who hast died in our stead,
Thy promise of faith and repentance we plead,
Now let it take place, pour out on our race
The spirit of prayer, and contrition and praise.
2 While thus we record our crucified Lord,
Be mindful of us, and accomplish Thy word.
Thy promise is past, we shall see Thee at last,
Our souls on Thy bloody atonement be cast.
3 Stretched out on the tree, Thou saidst, "They shall see,
My murderers surely shall look upon Me.
The stones shall relent, the rocks shall be rent,
And hearts more obdurate than marble lament."
4 Now then let us turn, to Jehovah’s first-born
And look upon Thee we have wounded, and mourn,
In bitterness cry that the Prince of the sky
God’s only begotten, we doomed Him to die.
5 Our sins were the cause of His sorrow and loss;
By our sins we pursued Him and nailed to the cross;
We inflicted the pain; we have pierced Him again;
And O! shall He suffer so often in vain?
6 The sense of Thy smart, O Jesus, impart,
And break by Thy death the inflexible heart:
Thy passion alone can make us atone;
Appear in Thy wounds, and our heart is Thine own. Languages: English Tune Title: DARLINGTON
O Jesus Our Head