Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 347 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Forth in your name, O Lord, I go
my daily labor to pursue;
you,Lord, alone I choose to know
in all I think or speak or do.
2 The task your wisdom has assigned
here let me cheerfully fulfill;
in all my work your presence find
and prove your good and perfect will.
3 You I would set at my right hand,
whose eyes my inmost secrets view,
and labor on at your command
and offer all my work to you.
4 Help me to bear your easy yoke,
and every moment watch and pray;
and still to things eternal look
and hasten to that glorious day.
5 Gladly for you may I employ
all that your generous grace has given
and run my earthly course with joy,
and closely walk with you to heaven.
Topics: God in Society Work and Leisure; Grace Of God; Aspiration; Church Ministry and Ministers; Closing Hymns; Grace of God; Jesus Christ Spiritual Food; Labor; Recessional Hymns Scripture: Psalm 139:1-4 Used With Tune: DANIEL Text Sources: Hymns for Today's Church, 1982, rev.
Forth in Your Name, O Lord, I Go