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Harriet Beecher Stowe

1811 - 1896 Person Name: Mrs. H. B. Stowe Author of "Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh" in Hymns of Worship and Service Stowe, Harriet, née Beecher, daughter of the Rev. Lyman Beecher, D.D., was born at Litchfield, Connecticut, June 15, 1812. In 1832, her father having been appointed President of Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio, she removed therewith the family; and in 1833 was married to the Rev. Calvin E. Stowe, D.D., Professor of Languages and Biblical Literature in the same Institution. Her high reputation as an author is well known; and the immense success of Uncle Tom's Cabin, which first appeared in The National Era, in 1852, ensures her a lasting reputation. She has also written other well-known works. Three of her hymns appeared in the Plymouth Collection, edited by her brother, H. W. Beecher, in 1855:— 1. Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh. Resting in God. 2. That mystic word of Thine, 0 sovereign Lord. Abiding in Jesus. 3. When winds are raging o'er the upper ocean. Peace. Another hymn by Mrs. Stowe, "How beautiful, said he of old" (The Gospel Ministry), is No. 231 in the Boston Hymns of the Spirit, 1864. Her poetic pieces were published in her Religious Poems, 1867; and from a poem therein the hymn, "Knocking, knocking, who is there?" (Christ knocking), in Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos is adapted. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Frederick Lucian Hosmer

1840 - 1929 Person Name: Frederick L. Hosmer Author of "Father, to thee we look in all our sorrow" in The Hymnal of Praise Hosmer, Frederick Lucian, B.A., was born at Framingham, Mass., in 1840, and educated at Harvard, where he graduated B.A. in 1869. Entering the Unitarian Ministry in 1872 he has held charges in Quincy, Ill., 1872-77; Cleveland, Ohio, 1878-92; St. Louis, 1894-99; and since 1899, at Berkeley, Cal. His Way of Life, 1877, was a compilation of Prayers and Responsive Services for Sunday Schools. Of Unity Hymns and Carols, 1880, he was joint editor with W. C. Gannett and J. V. Blake. His hymns were published jointly by him and W. C. Gannett (q.v.), as The Thought of God in Hymns and Poems (Boston: Little, Brown & Co.), 1st Series, 1885; 2nd Series, 1894. Of his 56 hymns in this work the following have come into common use, for the most part during the past ten years:— 1. Father, to Thee we look in all our sorrow. [Trust in God.] Written in 1881 upon the death of a member of the author's congregation, and published in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 2. From age to age how grandly rise. [Unity.] Written for the annual festival of the Free Religious Assoc, Boston, June 2, 1899, and first published in Souvenir Festival Hymns, 1899. Subsequently altered by the author to "From age to age the prophet's vision." 3. From age to age they gather, all the brave of heart and strong. [Victory of Truth.] "Written in 1891 for the Dedication of Unity Church, Decorah, Iowa, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. 4. From many ways and wide apart. [College or School Reunion.] Dated in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, as having been written in 1890. 5. Go not, my soul, in search of Him. [God Within.] Written in 1879, printed in the Boston Christian Register, May 31, 1879, and included in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, with the title, "The Indwelling God." 6. I cannot think of them as dead. [Eternal Life.] Written in 1882, and first published in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, and entitled "My Dead." in the English collections it is usually given as "We cannot think of them as dead." 7. I little see, I little know. [Trust.] "A Psalm of Trust," written in 1883, first appeared in the Boston Christian Register, and again in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 8. Immortal by their deed and word. [The Spirit of Jesus.] Written in 1880, and first published in Unity Hymns and Carols, Chicago, Ill., 1880, and then in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 9. Many things in life there are. [Mystery in all Things.] Written in 1885, and first published in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, with the title "Passing Understanding," and the quotation "The Peace of God which passeth all understanding." 10. Not always on the mount may we. [On the Mount.] This lesson from the Transfiguration was written in 1882, and published in the Chicago Unity, April 1, 1884. After revision by the author, it was included in the 1st Series of The Thought of God, 1885. 11. Not when, with self dissatisfied. [Lent.] Written in 1891, and given in The Thought of God, 2nd series, 1894, p. 33. It is in The Public School Hymn Book, 1903, and others. 12. O beautiful, my country. [National Hymn.] As “Our Country," written in 1884, and published in the Chicago Unity Festivals, 1884; and again in The Thought of God, 1885. 13. O Light, from age to age the same. [Dedication Anniversary.] Written in 1890 for the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Congregational Church (Unitarian), Quincy, 111. Included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, and entitled "From Generation to Generation." 14. O Lord of Life, where'er they be. [Life in God.] "Written in 1888 for Easter service in Author's own church," and first published in the Chicago Unit, and again in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. The "Alleluia!" refrain, which is added in some collections to each verse, is appended, in the original, to the last verse only. 15. O Name, all other names above. [Trust in God.] Under the title "Found. 'They that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee!’ this hymn, written in 1878, was given in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 16. O Prophet souls of all the years. [Unity.] “Written in 1893 for, and sung at, the Unitarian gathering in connection with The World's Parliament of Religions (World's Fair), Chicago, Sep., 1893," and included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, and entitled "One Law, One Life, one Love." 17. O Thou, in all Thy might so far. [God All in All.] This hymn, given in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, with the title "The Mystery of God," was written in 1876, and first published in the New York Inquirer. 18. O thou in lonely vigil led. This encouragement for lonely workers was written for the "Emerson Commemoration, W. U. C, 1888," and included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. 19. O Thou, Who art of all that is. [Divine Guidance.] Under the title "Through unknown paths," this hymn was included in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. It was written in 1877. 20. O Thou, Whose Spirit witness bears. [Dedication of a Place of Worship.] Written for the Dedication of First Unitarian Church, Omaha, Feb. 6, 1891, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, with the title "The Inward Witness," and the subscription "For T. K., Omaha, 1801." 21. On eyes that watch through sorrow's night. [Easter] A Carol for Easter Morn, written in 1890 for the author's congregation, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. 22. One thought I have, my ample creed. [The Thought of God.] This is the initial hymn to the collection The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, and supplies the title to the work. It was written in 1880, and first published in the Chicago Unity Hymns and Carols, 1880, and then in The Thought of God, 1885. 23. The rose is queen among the flowers. [Flower Service.] "Written in 1875, first published in The Sunnyside, a song book for Sunday Schools, and again in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, under the title "Flower Sunday." 24. Thy kingdom come, — on bended knee. [Missions.] "Written in 1891 for the Commencement of the Meadville Theological School (Meadville, Pa.), June 12, 1891, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894," under the title "The Day of God," and the subscription, "M. T. S., June 12, 1891." 25. We pray no more, made lowly wise, For miracle and sign. [Greater Faith Desired.] Written in 1879, and first published in The Christian Register (Boston), Mar. 22 of that year, under the title 'The Larger Faith.'" Included under the same title in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. Sometimes given as "Made lowly wise, we pray no more." 26. When courage fails, and faith burns low. [Victory of Truth.] Under the title "Loyalty," this hymn was given in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. It was written in 1881. 27. Where men on mounts of vision Have passed the veil within. [Dedication of a Place of Worship.] "Written in 1891 for the Dedication of First Unitarian Church, Oakland, California." Included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, entitled "Holy Places," and subscribed " For C. W. W., Oakland, Cal., 1891." These annotations are from manuscript notes supplied to us by the author. Of these hymns all are in common use in America, and more than one half in Great Britain, mainly by Unitarians and Congregationalists. Amongst Unitarian hymn-writers of the last twenty years Mr. Hosmer is the most powerful and original known to us. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Samuel Johnson

1822 - 1882 Author of "Father, in Thy mysterious presence kneeling" in Songs of the Christian Life Johnson, Samuel, M.A, was born at Salem, Massachusetts, Oct. 10, 1822, and educated at Harvard, where he graduated in Arts in 1842, and in Theology in 1846. In 1853 he formed a Free Church in Lynn, Massachusetts, and remained its pastor to 1870. Although never directly connected with any religious denomination, he was mainly associated in the public mind with the Unitarians. He was joint editor with S. Longfellow (q. v.) of A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion, Boston, 1846; the Supplement to the same, 1848; and Hymns of the Spirit, 1864. His contributions to these collections were less numerous than those by S. Longfellow, but not less meritorious. He died at North Andover, Massachusetts, Feb. 19, 1882. His hymns were thus contributed:— i. To A Book of Hymns, 1846. 1. Father [Saviour] in Thy mysterious presence kneeling. Divine Worship. 2. Go, preach the gospel in my name. Ordination. 3. Lord, once our faith in man no fear could move. In Time of War. 4. O God, Thy children gathered here. Ordination. 5. Onward, Christians, [onward] through the region. Conflict. In the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, it was altered to "Onward, onward through the region." 6. Thy servants' sandals, Lord, are wet. Ordination. 7. When from Jordan's gleaming wave. Holy Baptism. ii. To the Supplement, 1848. 8. God of the earnest heart. Trust. iii. To the Hymns of the Spirit, 1864. 9. City of God, how broad, how far. The Church the City of God. 10. I bless Thee, Lord, for sorrows sent. Affliction— Perfect through suffering. 11. Life of Ages, richly poured. Inspiration. 12. Strong-souled Reformer, Whose far-seeing faith. Power of Jesus. 13. The Will Divine that woke a waiting time. St. Paul. 14. Thou Whose glad summer yields. Prayer for the Church. 15. To light that shines in stars and souls. Dedication of a Place of Worship. Of these hymns No. 8 was "Written for the Graduating Exercises of the Class of 1846; in Cambridge Divinity Schools ; and No. 10 “Written at the request of Dorothea L. Dix for a collection made by her for the use of an asylum." It is undated. A few only of these hymns are in use in Great Britain. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Edwin Moss

1838 - 1938 Person Name: E. Moss Composer of "CULLINGWORTH" in Hymns of Worship and Service

Henry Warburton Hawkes

1843 - 1917 Person Name: Henry W. Hawkes Author of "Thou Knowest, Lord (Hawkes)" in The Cyber Hymnal Hawkes, Henry Warburton, born at Kendal, 1843, for sixteen years minister of the North End Mission, Liverpool, from 1891 to 1900 of the Bootle Free Church, since 1906 of West Kirby Free Church. Editor of Hymns of Help and Songs of Praise, 1882; and Hymns and Sacred Songs for Church and Home. 1891, Reprinted and enlarged, 1898. The edition of 1898 has about 100 of his own hymns and adaptations for popular tunes. 1. Amid the din of earthly strife. Vision of the Christ. 2. Father, Thy dear name we own. Litany. 3. Heavenward lift your banners. Christian Warfare. 4. Peace, perfect peace, the gift of God within. Inward Peace. 5. Thank we now the Lord of heaven. Christmas. 6. Thou knowest, Lord! Thou know'st my life's deep story. The Searcher of Hearts. No. 3 published 1882; 1, 2, 4, 5 published 1891; 6 published 1898. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

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