Hymnal: Worship (4th ed.) #66b (2011)First Line: I will sing forever of your mercies, O LORD (Porque dije: Tu misericordia es un edificio eterno)Refrain First Line: Cantaré, cantaré eternamenteTopics: PsalmsScripture: Psalm 89Tune Title: [Cantaré, cantaré eternamente]
Hymnal: Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #814 (2013)Topics: December 25: Christmas: Vigil Mass ABC; 25 de Diciembre: Natividad del Señor: Misa Vespertina de la Vigilia ABCScripture: Psalm 89Languages: English; SpanishTune Title: [Cantaré, cantaré eternamente]
Hymnal: Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #939 (2013)Topics: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time A; 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario AScripture: Psalm 89Languages: English; SpanishTune Title: [Cantaré, cantaré eternamente]
Hymnal: Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #1012 (2013)Topics: Thursday of Holy Week: Chrism Mass; Jueves de la Smana Santa: Misa del Santo CrismaScripture: Psalm 89Languages: English; SpanishTune Title: [Cantaré, cantaré eternamente]