Author: Joseph Hart Meter: Appears in 1,475 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched,
weak and wounded, sick and sore;
Jesus ready stands to save you,
full of pity joined with pow'r:
he is able,
he is able,
he is able,
he is willing; doubt no more;
he is willing; doubt no more.
2 Come, ye needy, come and welcome,
God's free bounty glorify;
true belief and true repentance,
ev'ry grace that brings you nigh,
without money,
without money,
without money,
come to Jesus Christ and buy;
come to Jesus Christ and buy.
3 Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
bruised and broken by the fall;
if you tarry till you're better,
you will never come at all:
not the righteous,
not the righteous,
not the righteous–
sinners Jesus came to call;
sinners Jesus came to call.
4 Let not conscience make you linger,
nor of fitness fondly dream;
all the fitness he requireth
is to feel your need of him;
this he gives you,
this he gives you,
this he gives you;
'tis the Spirit's rising beam;
'tis the Spirit's rising beam.
5 Lo! th'incarnate God, ascended,
pleads the merit of his blood;
venture on him, venture wholly,
let no other trust intrude:
none but Jesus,
none but Jesus,
none but Jesus
can do helpless sinners good,
can do helpless sinners good.
Topics: The Way of Salvation The Free Offer of the Gospel; Christ Blood of; Christ Love and Grace of; Danger of Delay; Forgiveness of Sins; Need for Christ of God; Salvation by Grace Scripture: Matthew 9:13 Used With Tune: BRYN CALFARIA
Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched