Author: E. Wiglesworth Meter: D Appears in 8 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thou Who with dying lips
Thy mother didst commend
Unto the tender care
Of Thy belovèd friend;
Thou Who by Lazarus' grave
In human grief didst groan,
Turn, Lord, Thine eyes on those
Left in the world alone.
2 Thou Who didst call Thy twelve
Their home and friends to leave,
And in Thy kingdom all,
Yea, more than all, receive,
To those bereft of all,
Thy pitying love extend,
And let them find in Thee
Father, and home and friend.
3 Thou Who didst say of old,
"Thine orphans led to Me;
Unto the fatherless,
I will a Father be,"
Thy promises are sure;
Help us to trust Thee still;
To those who need Thee sore,
That faithful word fulfill.
4 Thou Who in Thy still rest
Our dear ones safe dost keep;
Thou Who shalt bring them back
One day from their long sleep,
Oh, keep us by Thy grace,
That we at last may be,
When that bright morning dawns,
At home with them and Thee.
Topics: Orphans; Almsgiving and Charities; Orphans Used With Tune: BROADLANDS
Thou Who with dying lips