Author: Nahum Tate; Nicholas Brady Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Instruct me in Thy statutes, Lord,
Thy righteous paths display;
And I from them, through all my life,
Will never go astray.
2 If Thou true wisdom from above
Wilt graciously impart,
To keep Thy perfect laws I will
Devote my zealous heart.
3 Direct me in the sacred ways
To which Thy precepts lead;
Because my chief delight has been
Thy righteous paths to tread.
4 Do Thou to Thy most just commands
Incline my willing heart;
Let no desire of worldly wealth
From Thee my thoughts divert.
5 From those vain objects turn my eyes,
Which this false world displays;
But give me lively power and strength
To keep Thy righteous ways.
6 Confirm the promise which Thou mad’st,
And give Thy servant aid,
Who to transgress Thy sacred laws
Is awfully afraid.
7 The foul disgrace I justly fear,
In mercy, Lord, remove;
For all the judgments Thou ordain’st
Are full of grace and love.
8 Thou know’st how after Thy commands
My longing heart does pant;
O then make haste to raise me up,
And promised succor grant. Used With Tune: ASYLUM
Instruct Me In Thy Statutes, Lord